By John Farikani

Up to eighty percent of men experience some manner of mens hair loss during their lifetimes while up to forty percent of females suffer from this issue too. While there are some prescription medicines available on the market, most of them are over-priced and can come with side-effects.

This excess is caused by a number of things including environmental pollution, toxins such as preservatives and colorings in food and soy supplements and food and flaxseed oil.

How can mens hair loss be reversed?

These days, home remedies are generally a more preferable option. These include Vitamins A, B6 and B12, biotin, vitamin C and folic acid. These vitamins have been proven to increase the growth of hair in many people.

A poor diet can cause a person to lose up to three hundred follicles a day while the body normally loses about a hundred, but these will grow back under normal circumstances. However, losing up to three-hundred a day; this is more than the body can replenish naturally.

Changing some of your habits is also a good idea such as avoiding brushing your hair too much since this can irritate the scalp which in turn leads to the loss of hair. When drying the hair, it is also advisable to pat it dry rather than rub vigorously. Tight caps also restrict the blood flow around the scalp and should be avoided.

There are also various products that you can buy, especially natural remedies, which can be highly effective. However, a word of warning before you begin; there are many products on the market that simply do not live up to what they are supposed to, so be wary of what you get.

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