Treatment for Boxcar Scars

By Clarita Milles

Acne is probably one of the most common and talked about skin conditions out there. It is caused when bacteria gets trapped within skin pores while thriving on sebum.

However, a more technical explanation is that acne is mostly an inflammatory response to sebum outbreaks within the hair follicles. This means that sebum is trapped within a clogged pore converting itself into a rich feeding ground for bacteria and therefore, an ideal spot for an acne breakout to occur.

If an acne treatment is to function effectively you must address inflammation and bacteria. If this isn't possible then you have a very slim chance of eliminating chicken pox scars, rolling scars, pitted scars or even ice-pick scars.

Generally, all acne scars fall under two categories: those caused by a loss of tissue (atrophic), and those caused by an excess of tissue (hypertrophic scars & keloid scars). Within these categories you can find any one of the previously mentioned types of scars, but in this article we'll concentrate solely on one type- boxcar scars.

Boxcar Scars - Development and Treatment

Boxcar scars are created when an inflamed acne lesion has destroyed skin tissue leaving behind a sunken area of skin. Tissue is lost when an inflammatory acne breakout damages collagen. The skin that covers this area is left without support and an indention surfaces. This indentation leads many people to misdiagnose their scar thinking that it is an ice-pick scar, however an ice-pick scar may be either hard or soft to the touch and only resembles a boxcar scar in that it is also shallow. Which ever type of acne scar removal you decide to use will depend on the severity of the scar and its depth. Boxcar scars can appear on the temples and cheeks of the face in various sizes and shapes.

Skin resurfacing techniques - dermabrasion or laser resurfacing - may be used to treat this type of scar. However, here are more natural types of treatment available. First, take time to weigh the pros and cons of using different types of treatment before making your final decision.

How Can I Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally?

Not everyone is inclined to submit themselves to invasive treatments. If you're one of these people then natural acne scar removal treatments are the thing for you. This type of product is created using a revolutionary natural compound that contains a regenerating compound and natural antibiotic that has proven effective for acne scar treatment. Its powerful regenerative capabilities have also shown promise in treating keloid scars and reducing the appearance of ice-pick scars. However, one of its most appealing attributes is that it helps prevent scarring and acts as a natural remedy for both adult and teen acne. Because of its composition; this treatment can be used in conjunction with accutane or other oral antibiotics that are used in treating severe nodular cystic acne.

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