By Sally Delacruz

The medical field is a very sensitive one. All the things and procedures are calculated and measured down to the tiniest bit. It requires the right balance of precision, accuracy, efficiency and speed to be able to work out well.

Emergency situations are the very reason why a sufficient health team is formed. A capable team of medical professionals armed with all the right equipment should always be at the ready to respond to any situation that can be extremely fatal for a particular person. Since these emergencies require the fastest possible mode of transportation, air ambulance companies are most often used.

Since modern technology serves to improve quality of life, it is therefore not really surprising to learn that air travel nowadays can also be utilized for medical functions. In instances where quality health care can not reach a specific area as fast as it should with an ordinary ambulance, aerial ones take their place. Back then they were only for military purposes, but now, they can be used even by the public.

In times of war, casualties and deaths are to be expected. An air ambulance is of significant importance especially when the location is a bit isolated wherein land travel is not only difficult, but time consuming. If there are soldiers who are on the brink of death and will be saved only through a procedure that is done on the mainland, then air travel is deemed necessary.

If a disastrous calamity hits the area, a large number of casualties are always to be expected. The patients who have incurred the most serious injuries are the first to be flown in. There are also times when a place is severely hit that the only hope for survival is total evacuation. Air travel is needed especially if the roads have been rendered useless due to the wrath of Mother Nature.

Time is of the essence in very critical situations. It is during these times that speed really plays a role for survival. It is also in cases such as this one that air ambulances are indispensable. If a critical patient is transported through the air, he or she will have greater chances of making it as compared to being transported on land.

There are also times when the medical team itself should be transported to an area where their services are most needed. Most often this happens in pandemics where people get sick on a large scale basis. Due to the great number of patients that need medical attention, sometimes it is more practical to just bring the health team to the patients than it is to bring the sick to the appropriate facility.

In addition to the above mentioned, when a medical team is transported, they also tag along the equipment that they will be using. Medicines stored in big boxes and fragile equipments encased in crates will sometimes be brought in along with them. Since outbreaks can get worse with each passing minute, air travel is the only appropriate mode.

Emergency organ transplants also use a special courier service. This is done when an operation is needed to be done right away in order to save a life. If the most compatible donor is miles away, then airplanes can make the delivery in time.

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