By Haywodo Hunter

You really don't have to sit under the blistering sun for minutes just to end up with a lovely bronze complexion. This is true most especially if you apply an excellent suntan lotion available on the current market. Other than choosing the right UV-free tanner, there are also a few things that you need to do before and after using it in order to enjoy a stunning outcome.

Cleaning the skin has to be done before you apply the sunless tanner. The most important ingredient used called DHA can be absorbed better if your skin is free of any dirt and grime. That is why before you grab the bottle of your preferred tanner and apply its contents all over your body, make sure that you just stepped foot outside the shower.

Get rid of unwanted dead cells with the use of a loofah or scrub. Exfoliating is best done while you are having your shower. In case you have the money to spare for an exfoliating body gel, purchase a bottle of this product. It is commonly made by an indoor tanner manufacturer. Because it is used before tanning indoors, you can be sure that it won't leave an oily residue.

Shave the skin most especially right after taking a shower when those strands are still soft. It's not unlikely for you to end up with a mottled effect if there are unwanted hairs around. That's because the lotion may collect where the hair strands are, causing these areas to appear darker than the rest. If you prefer waxing, make sure that it is done a day ahead.

Grab a bottle of your daily moisturizer and apply some of it on your knees and elbows. This helps keep these parts from sporting a deeper hue as they tend to soak up more DHA due to their dryness and texture. You may also smear moisturizer on your fingernails especially if you don't plan on putting on latex gloves or barrier cream while applying the UV-free tanner.

Once you are through smoothing on the sunless tanning product on your body, see to it that it remains there for 6-8 hours. This means that you have to skip taking a shower just to get rid of that unmistakable odor that DHA tends to produce while it is developing. It also means that you have to avoid doing all sorts of physical activities that leave you sweaty afterwards.

Keeping your skin hydrated once the expected color appears is a good idea. Doing this helps slow down the exfoliation of your skin's topmost layer, keeping the golden brown color around for as long as a week. Grab the bottle of your favorite hand and body moisturizing lotion as often as possible and use it all over to keep the lovely color intact.

Exfoliating has to be done once more the moment you notice that the color is no longer as intense as before. This helps remove too much dead skin cells that tend to make the fake tan look blotchy. It's a good idea to have the skin's topmost surface polished once again especially if you wish to reapply the tanner to bring back the intense shade.

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