By Anna Lewis

Eczema (also referred to as atopic dermatitis) is an allergic skin condition. Allergens are widespread and may be found in foods such as eggs, gluten, peanuts, soy and citrus among others. It is believed that stress and genetics have a role to play. Recent studies have also implicated some antibiotics and components of vaccines. The easiest way of dealing with the condition is to avoid the allergens. If this does not work, consider the numerous natural eczema natural treatment options that exist.

Since the condition is immune-mediated treatment should be targeted at the immune system. There is a huge concentration of immune cells in the gastrointestinal tract that is organized into what is known as gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Maintaining the integrity of this tissue helps keep most allergic reactions at bay or reduces the frequency of attacks in persons that are already affected.

Just as is the case with any body system, proper nutrition is needed for the immune system to function optimally. The aim should be to provide the body with useful nutrients and to avoid toxins and allergens that may worsen the condition. Put simply, increase your consumption of raw foods and cut down on caffeine, dairy, sugar, processed foods and gluten which are all likely to provoke the immune attack.

There are several minerals and vitamins that have some benefits as relates to this condition. For instance, magnesium, vitamin B12 and zinc enhance the function of the immune system and reduce the likelihood of having eczema. Vitamins C and E, on the other hand confer protection from free radicals and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Rich sources of these vitamins and minerals include seeds, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Make an effort to also include probiotics in your diet. These help by enriching normal bacteria residing in the gastrointestinal tract. The bacteria which are also known as normal flora suppress harmful organisms that cause disease. It has been established that women who receive probiotics in the course of their pregnancy reduce the chances of having eczema in their babies. There are many forms of cultured foods that contain probiotics.

Stress management is another strategy that can be adopted. One of the ways of achieving this is by having adequate quality sleep. For children aged less than 12 years, the recommended sleep duration is 10 hours every night. For adults, on the other hand, the minimum should be a minimum of 6 hours per night. Other approaches that can be adopted include meditation, yoga and breathing exercises. Relaxation helps the body to repair itself.

There are some natural extracts that can help relieve the symptoms even as you attempt to deal with the immunological problem. Coconut oil can be included in the diet or applied topically onto the skin. Aloe vera helps to sooth and moisten dry skin. Ointment from a flower known as calendula officinalis reduces inflammation, eliminates bacteria and promotes healing of the skin. Combining several of these therapies helps optimize on their benefits.

Just as is the case with many immune-mediated conditions, the treatment of eczema presents major challenges. The common treatment given for the condition is corticosteroids but these have been shown to worsen the symptoms. Although they may take quite long to yield results, natural therapies are not only safe, but are also an effective method of managing the condition.

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