Real Dangers That Should Make You Stop Dieting Now

By Kimberly Mitchell

It is okay to have a lean body size. However, it is important to achieve this the healthy way. Many slimming programs focus just on the weight loss condemning normal body size as obese. This creates a distorted mental picture of healthy living and does more harm than good. It is clear that there are real dangers of associated with extreme slimming programs and thus the reason you should stop dieting now.

At the inception of an extreme slimming program, you change the way you eat and also start monitoring your weight. It is normal for the body to react to these abrupt changes. This may feel confusion and draining and may render you unproductive both at home and at the office. If you are a student, this can negatively impact your studies as well.

You need to understand how the body works to appreciate the importance of eating well. When you deprive your body of food, it burns stored fat to produce the energy you need to walk, sit and go about your life. If the fat is depleted, the muscles are attacked and within no time you are left weak. Without muscles, you cannot accomplish your daily tasks and living becomes a nightmare. Instead of letting your muscles waste away, you should seek to strengthen them so that you enjoy life more.

Another battle people on extreme fasting to lose weight encounter is the strong craving for delicacies. The intentional withdrawal from food for a long period leaves a lingering nostalgia to eat certain foods. This feeling can become so intense and turn torturous.

As the pressure builds up and you can longer stand it, you succumb to the cravings and consequently overeat because your body seems not to get enough of the food. A feeling of guilt engulfs you leaving you with a distorted view of your personality. To rectify this and get self-approval, you take laxatives or induce vomiting. For you to break this cycle, you need to seek urgent medical attention before the situation worsens.

This situation takes its toll on your emotions. You become moody and easily irritable. Eventually, this affects your relationship with others both at home and the workplace. When these critical elements of your life get affected, you will be devastated and hopeless. Do not allow yourself to reach this stage. Take control of your emotions while you still can.

In worst case scenario, the desire to lose weight can turn psychic. It becomes an obsession that distorts your thinking that eating is a cardinal sin. Normal body weight becomes obese to you and are extremely scared of gaining weight. This is the kind obsession that can drive you into starvation until every vital body organ fails.

It is sad to note that most extreme fasting programs do not work. Usually, at the end of the program, when individuals have attained the desired weight, they go on an eating spree. In a month or so, they gain more weight than they lost during the program. This is very disappointing especially after going through a painful process. If individuals are no helped, they are likely to plunge into low self-esteem which is destructive. Such people need urgent help to snap out of extreme slimming programs.

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