By Melisa Carlucci

A chiropractor focuses on the spine and central nervous system because they affect the entire body. It requires years of education, stringent exams and obtaining a license to qualify for this profession. A leading Anoka MN Chiropractor will confirm that one complaint that brings a high number of clients to the office is back pain.

Out of every ten people, eight of them will suffer from back pain at some time during their life. It can disable an individual, making it impossible to hold down a job. It might even be difficult to carry out normal activities. There are some who take strong pain medication to cope with the hurting. Many sufferers, however, are afraid of becoming addicted. For them, turning to chiropractic care is an ideal solution.

The causes may differ from automobile crashes to workplace injuries to vertebral deterioration. When a misaligned vertebra is compressing a nerve, a herniated disc may be the result. Deterioration of one of these discs may be part of the natural aging process. This is often called a slipped disc.

Before any care can be given, the chiropractor does a thorough evaluation. The spine is examined and palpated. An x-ray is taken. Range of motion and strength are measured. It is crucial to identify the cause because for some individuals chiropractic care is inappropriate. Those individuals are referred to another health care professional.

When you are approved for spinal adjustments, they will be the primary care for you. A series of office visits are set up for them to be applied. This is done over time and gradually, the vertebrae are straightened and the pressure relieved. Massage may be added to relieve tight muscles in the back.

The procedure is explained. You lie down on a special table to have the adjustments. The chiropractor applies pressure to the correct places on the spine. This moves the vertebrae back into the correct position. When they are realigned, that relieves the pressure and the hurting is alleviated.

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