Various Varicose Vein Treatments Somerville

By Jeffrey Meyer

Veins carry blood from other parts of the body towards the heart. In the case where the veins become widened, twisted or bulged, varicose veins may arise. In most people this condition does not cause medical problems. This venous disease usually occur in the legs although it can occur in other areas. However, if the condition become a problem to your health and comfort, you can seek varicose vein treatments Somerville.

Veins have valves that prevents blood from flowing backwards but instead helps the upward flow to the heart. When the valves become damaged, backward flow of blood may arise creating overload pressure more so when standing. The increased pressure however causes the veins to widen and causing them not to close properly. Varicose veins develops as a result of the backward flow of blood.

In most people, this venous illness may not have other symptoms apart from the obvious appearance of veins above the skin that can become embarrassing. Apart from the profound embarrassment of the condition, additional symptoms may occur such as heavy legs, aching, and discomfort. The condition may worsen as time goes by, even though this is typically very slow. Altogether, the symptoms pose no grievous medical concern, but usually treatment is of necessity if they become adequately problematic.

As noted, this venous disease does not always pose a serious medical concern to most people, and might therefore not require treatment if it is not causing any discomfort. However, treatment would be necessary if the condition is causing discomfort. The treatment would ease the symptoms, treat complications like swelling, skin discoloration and leg ulcers. Still, treatment can as well be done for cosmetic reasons.

If you stay in Somerville NJ, a doctor can endorse a six-month program on self-care that uses regular exercises as well as compression stockings.These Compression stockings generally are intended to squeeze the legs in a steady manner so as to enhance blood circulation. They are typically tight around your ankles but loose up the leg. This aids in the blood flow upwards to the heart. This treatment schedule helps in easing pain, swelling, and discomfort.

The doctor can also perform another treatment procedure known as endothermal ablation. The treatment is either done through frequency radio waves or through lasers. When done through radio waves, the procedure is referred as radio frequency ablation. During the treatment, the walls of the affect veins are heated with the radio frequency energy. Once the veins are heated, the walls of the affected veins collapses and seals shut.

When the endothermal ablation procedure is not found to be appropriate for your condition, the doctor may recommend sclerotherapy instead. In this procedure, a special kind of foam is put into the veins through injection. The foam scars your veins and seals them. For patients who previously suffered from the deep vein thrombosis, the treatment plan might be unsuitable.

In case the above treatment procedures are not suitable for you, the doctor may use surgery. Surgeons mostly use litigation and stripping technique to treat this condition. The procedure involves tying off and removing the vein. Where the veins are sealed or removed, blood is naturally redirected to the healthy veins.

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