By Nelson Cozad

The chiropractor is the health care professional who can help those suffering from lower back pain. That chronic or acute pain in the lower back, or lumbar spine, is the single issue that brings clients to a chiropractors office most frequently. Successful care for this condition often begins with a technique called spinal adjustments. In the chiropractor offices Manhattan NY offers, normal physical function can be restored.

Pain that is severe enough to make a significant change in your usual activities should never be ignored. It is the body's way of indicating that something is wrong. Many people are afraid of becoming addicted to strong pain medication or being helped through invasive procedures. The best choice for them is chiropractic care.

The initial office appointment will take the time to compile a history of all symptoms. Questions must be answered about how long you have been in pain and if you suffered an injury preceding the onset. A physical exam is performed.

The spine is palpated. Your gait and posture are analyzed to determine if they contribute to the condition. Your muscular strength and range of motion will be measured. Following this complete evaluation, a plan to help you can be recommended. The chiropractor will recommend what is most appropriate.

When the care plan includes spinal adjustments, you are scheduled for the office visits to receive them. If the muscles have grown tight, massage may be used concurrently with the adjustments. Both can be administered during each appointment. You may be asked to follow a routine of low impact exercises between office care appointments. Your response will determine how many adjustments are required.

Prior to starting the course of care, you may ask to see the plan in writing. You may wait a few days before making a decision to proceed. It is an important decision and your chiropractor will not try to rush you. When you do begin the care, pain alleviation will be achieved in increments as the spinal vertebrae must be correctly aligned to allow for healing to take place.

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