By Katy Parfait

When a person suffers back pain from muscle spasms, care often begins with spinal manipulation. If there is any abnormality in the vertebrae and joints, the pain can be alleviated. When natural motion is restored the pain is reduced. The frequency of the spasms will decrease. A leading Laguna Hills Chiropractor advises some preventative tactics that can be used for maintenance of normal motion.

The spasms causing pain now are the major problem to deal with. Perhaps you lifted heavy boxes and strained a muscle in your back. It may be a misalignment of the vertebrae your muscles are attached to that is the causative factor. When they are misaligned it can result in a strain. You may have reached out too far and caused a spasm.

Lack of movement does not cause an immediate spasm. However, if you sit at your computer all day without stopping to get up and stretch, you may suffer back spasms later on. You may even have your sleep disturbed by the sharp pain of one during the night.

It may not happen until a later time, possibly even during the night. The muscles in the back may spasm. If working on a project that has a deadline the muscles may tense. Not stopping to stand up or walk about increases that tension.

If you play football on the weekend, that strenuous activity can lead to spasms causing pain in the back. It is most likely to happen if you are sedentary during the week. The sudden increased physical activity may result in back spasms.

An appointment with your chiropractor can lead to relief from the pain you are suffering. Your examination will include taking a case history, looking at and palpating the spine and an x-ray. An in-depth discussion will explore all possible causes.

When chiropractic care is considered appropriate, it may include spinal adjustments and massage. Customized exercises may be provided to use at home. How soon you recover depends on how quickly you respond to care.

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