By Matt Chaderia

Lower back pain is statistically the number one reason individuals give for seeing a chiropractor. The cause may be an injury during an accident or a degenerative disc disease. Arthritis may be part of someone's aging process. Each client who turns to an Anoka MN chiropractor will be provided with pain alleviation in the best way possible.

The initial office visit is devoted to a full evaluation of your condition. Your spine is examined and usually, an x-ray is taken. You will discuss the pain, how severe it is and how much it limits your daily activities. If the spinal vertebrae are subluxated it means they have been jerked out of the normal position. This causes compression of the nerve roots located in the spinal cord. It leads to excruciating and unbearable pain.

The hurting can cause temporary or permanent disability. The pain may not let up whether you are sitting, standing or lying down. It is not possible to work at a desk for eight hours. It is not possible to do a job that requires bending and lifting either.

When the chiropractic assessment is complete, a course of rehabilitative care can be recommended. In some cases, the sufferer may be referred to another health care professional. Chiropractic care is not appropriate for alleviating pain caused by certain conditions.

Many sufferers choose chiropractors because their methods of care do not use medication or invasive procedures. A large portion of the population is afraid of developing an addiction. It is not only prescription strength drugs that can cause addiction. Over-the-counter pills can also be addictive in certain people.

Another technique is spinal mobilization, which is done while the client lies on a table built specifically for this purpose. Whichever technique is administered, the pain is alleviated incrementally over time. As the pressure exerted against the spinal nerve roots is lifted so is the pain.

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