By Kurt Saniel

Research has shown how chiropractic adjustments are beneficial for neck pain and upper spinal problems. Seattle chiropractic therapy offers non-surgical options for patients who become debilitated by mechanical restrictions. Individualized wellness plans are developed in support of wellness needs to provide greater range of motion and a reduction in discomfort.

Structural problems that occur within the neck can cause headaches and a lack of movement. The vertebrae and connected tissues provide support for the head. When injuries are sustained or degeneration develops, it weakens the structures and patients are left with an inability to adequately move the head and neck without experiencing some form of discomfort.

A chiropractor offers natural and therapeutic support for all patient healthcare needs without recommending prescription medicine. The spine is connected to the nervous system and when structural imbalances become a reality, will negatively affect general nervous system functioning. Manual techniques facilitate body balance by restoring the joints to an aligned state and eliminating nerve interference.

A detailed physical evaluation of the head and neck is required to determine upper cervical misalignment. When joints are incorrectly positioned, it will affect nervous system function and leads to a multitude of symptoms. A practitioner will provide alignment solutions for the spinal column to decrease pain and relieve the severe pressure placed on surrounding nerves.

The presence of a subluxation includes a mechanical problem that agitates the nerves. Adjustments are performed by hand to slowly move the vertebrae back into the correct position and alleviate compression or strain. Freeing the spine of physical constraints and abnormality provides the nervous system with support and balance to operate effectively without having to rely on the use of harsh prescription medication for relief.

Therapy is safely applied based on a natural foundation and the ability for the body to heal itself. An examination of symptoms can determine whether neck injuries or degeneration of surrounding joints is present. Alternative care methods deliver spinal adjustments without surgical intervention or prescriptions to improve the health and well-being of all patients.

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