By Kenya File

Neck pain is a surprisingly common problem across all age groups and both genders. This is largely due to an increased reliance on hand-held technologies. As people spend more time on the smartphones, tablets, and other devices, tension can develop in this area fast. Fortunately, you can get the relief you need by visiting a Tallahassee chiropractic office.

Jarring and unexpected impacts can also be the source of neck pain. Slip and fall accidents and car crashes can cause whiplash and other functional problems. When events like these occur, the vertebrae are often forced out of position and significant strain is placed on the muscle groups that surround them.

When visiting chiropractors, you will receive a comprehensive spinal exam in order to have spinal subluxations and other functional injuries identified. Your provider will then be able to create a plan of care that has been customized to your needs. You will also be given advice on how to improve you daily habits so that future problems are effectively avoided.

Chiropractors can improve the alignment of the spine through the use of manual adjustments. This technique can gradually put disks back where they belong. They are used over a number of visits so that moderate but ongoing improvements are gained.

Ultrasound equipment can also be used to promote rapid relief and foster increased joint mobility. This technique uses targeted equipment to penetrate tense, sore muscle and joints with special sound waves. As a result, inflammation, swelling and pain are quickly alleviated.

Some chiropractors also use inversion tables as part of their care plans. This is special equipment that can partially or fully invert the body. This, in turn, alleviates pressure and stress on the vertebrae and allows for gentle, natural corrections in alignment. When used as part of an integrated strategy, this technique can significantly improve the overall alignment and health of the spine.

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