Have Better Health With Land O Lakes Chiropractor

By Clare Buckalew

If you have ever experienced a herniated disc, you know just how painful it can be. You will also understand the how limited mobility is with this condition. Many folks who suffer with this type of discomfort and pain are turning to the alternative therapy a Land O Lakes FL chiropractor is offering.

These practitioners provide the type of support folks need to recover from spinal damage. Herniated discs are a result of spinal injury. A tear or crack in a disc, soft tissue between the vertebrae bulges out. The condition causes pressure to be put on the nerves in the spine resulting in severe pain.

The pain that is caused can be sharp and stabbing and the individual will also feel a tingling or burning sensation. Additionally, there may be some difficulty walking or moving normally. This will typically happen as pain moves down to your hips and then the legs.

A chiropractic professional will use a range of motion test and x rays to identify the condition. The practitioner will then design a therapy plan that uses safe and effective holistic approaches to healing. Spinal adjustments are typically scheduled to eliminate pain due to nerve pressure. The therapy encourages the body to self heal.

Adjustments to the spine will correct the discs that are misaligned. In addition to relieving pain, this therapy restores mobility. Strengthening exercises are often recommended to help avert injuries in the future. The chiropractic care professional is focused on prevention. This is achieved through education and lifestyle changes.

Since prevention is important to maintain health, therapy aims at strengthening muscles and improving flexibility and joint function. This approach will help lower the risk of trauma in the future. Wellness and self healing are encouraged through improvements in lifestyle and exercise habits. The practitioner will design a custom plan for each patient based on a comprehensive assessment conducted at the first visit.

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