By Maria Elena Zerna

Whether you are recovering from a sports injury or simply want enhance your athletic performance, regular chiropractic care can help you get the most out of your field time.

With chiropractics, it is possible to improve your well-being and health and to address physical injuries in a complete safe and natural manner.

How Athletes Can Get Help At Manhattan NY Chiropractic Offices

All of the top athletes throughout the world rely on chiropractors to help them improve their performance and expedite their recoveries when injured. Over 50 percent of all NFL teams have chiropractors on staff to support their players.

Chiropractics are known for its ability to help the body heal itself. It is through regular spinal adjustments that the nervous system is free to what it is intended: to protect the spine. When vertebrae become misaligned, the body must work to counteract its negative results.

These efforts are incredibly taxing to the immune system and they certainly increase the likelihood of developing problems. Through routine adjustments of the spine, however, people can stay health while participating in sports and this will also allow them to perform optimally when they're out on the playing field.

How does regular from a chiropractor help enhance an athlete's performance? Studies have shown that adjustments can:

- Ameliorate Tension Within The Muscles: excess pressure and stress can cause injuries - Lessen The Presence Of Inflammatory Cytokines: Inflammation harms the body and its functions in a very vast range of ways. Reducing inflammation alleviates a lot of physiological stress.

- Improve Cardiac And Pulmonary Functioning: Good alignment in the vertebral column allows the lungs and heart to function optimally and this makes the entire body stronger and more capable

- Boost Energy: With more energy, an athlete can perform far better out on the field

Chiropractic Options for Athletes

Beyond improving performance and alleviate discomfort in the back and neck, there is far more than this care can do. The options currently being provided by Manhattan NY chiropractic offices account for all the nuances and latest innovations in chiropractics and can therefore be used for natural and safe pain management, and to promote the rapid healing of injuries, increased physical mobility and many other gains.

In addition to standard manipulations, chiropractors now use a variety of techniques to help their patients. Here are just some of the methods used by modern chiropractors when dealing with athletes:

- Graston Technique: Only chiropractors who are certified are able to offer this technique, which promotes improvements across the connective tissues and the related muscle groups. Six tools are used in this technique to identify and resolve problems within the muscles and any affected tendons.

- Intersegmental Traction: Patients are required to lie facing the ceiling on tables that have in-built motors that vibrate and promote proper movements across the spine and increased blood flow.

- Joint Mobilization: This is a manual, therapeutic technique that is regularly used to sooth stress joints. It is classified into five different grades according to the procedural motions.

- Pain Management:Physical therapy aims to manage and relieve pain. Through various techniques this is possible to address muscle, joint, connective tissue and bone pain.

How Athletes Can Find The Right Chiropractic Help

Athletes require unique handling. Not every chiropractor is trained to handle an athlete's special concerns.

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