By Lyndon Zerna

The teeth tend to yellow with time and age. This can be made worse if you smoke or if you drink a lot of coffee or dark colored soda. Teeth whitening solutions are designed to restore teeth as close as possible to their original, natural white. This can, in turn, increase confidence and self esteem.

The teeth whitening solutions that are sold without the need for a license or prescription have several problems. Whitening toothpastes are so common that it is almost impossible to find toothpaste that lacks whitening ingredients. However, these toothpastes are not that effective for the only get rid of light surface stains. The toothpastes only whiten teeth by about one shade, but they can slow down yellowing by getting rid of stains before they become worse. Whitening mouthwashes are also common, but dental professionals do not think that are very effective because they come into contact with the teeth for a short time only. It is possible to achieve better results by visiting a Rockville MD dental office.

Over the counter whitening strips and gels contain one of two bleaches, carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Gels are brushed on with a small brush, while strips are applied to your teeth, usually twice daily. Tray based whitening systems work the same way and can be bought over the counter or from a dentist.

The disadvantage of using over the counter whitening kit is that they are not designed for a specific person and they must be used properly in order to be effective. These products should also be used regularly. In addition, the gums can become irritated when they are exposed to bleach. Since the whitening trays are not fitted to the teeth, they have the potential to cause permanent tooth damage in rare cases. This can be costly to fix. Therefore, patients may not save money from using the over the counter whitening products.

Tooth whitening is not suitable for everybody. Children under the age of 16 should not whiten their teeth. You should also not use teeth whitening products if you are lactating or pregnant. If you have sensitive teeth, you should only undergo this procedure after you have contacted your dentist because it can cause irritation. If you have any gum issues or cavities, you should ensure that they are treated before whitening your teeth. This procedure can worsen the cavities. Whitening products will not whiten crowns or fillings. This can result in uneven whitening and your teeth will appear worse.

If all of this is intimidating, then the answer is to talk to your dentist. Although more expensive, you should consider an in office whitening procedure, properly supervised by your dentist. They can make sure that you will not have any problems from the procedure chosen.

A slightly cheaper alternative is to buy a whitening tray from your dentist. These trays or stents are made from impressions of your teeth, all but eliminating any risk of tooth damage and significantly lowering the risk to your gums. You wear them for a few hours a day for a week or two. If stains are very severe, your dentist may recommend a crown or a porcelain veneer instead. So, if you are tired of your yellow teeth, talk to Rockville MD dentist and get a good recommendation to brighten your smile.

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