By Robert Moore

The great thing about writing is how there are many ways thoughts and experiences can be expressed. The writers for these types of literature may not have always undergo the events that transpire in their novels. And at more interesting times these things do happen to the authors themselves. The readers know that someone out there can sympathize with them.

There are many genres that can be found. A popular one that will always strike a chord would be biographies. Maybe the book being all based on real life events just gives the stories more impact because it actually has happened to a person. In this case a bipolar romance novel biography is something that already sounds like an interesting read.

On the end of the protagonist with bipolar sits the psychological turmoil that mixes feeling with the chemicals in their head. Going to the psychiatrist is one facet of the story that makes good dialogue and an avenue to show character development. The transition from finally conceding to get help, start seeing the doctor and so on can tell the reader how tasking it can be to deal with mental disorders.

The story would definitely involve how the person deals with going to the psychiatrist for help, starting medication, therapy sessions and so on. That is only the tip of the iceberg. The episodes of swinging from mania and depression would be quite the chapter. It all basically is a mix of science and emotions explaining what makes the person get in these psychological states.

The types of bipolar explores the frequencies of the swinging emotion. This makes it very complicated when romance and relationships are placed in the equation. For the one who is ill, the frustration of not being mentally healthy to properly show love and affection is a colossal issue. For the lover, not being able to lift their significant other from either the manic or depressive state can be very frustrating and discouraging.

The depressive states tend to be painful, not only for the one who has the illness by for the lover too. Lifting the weight of the world from their shoulders is easier said than done. On most days it would just be them lying in bed and the lover trying endlessly to console them.

The mood swings are all in extremes and they would have little to no control over it. The romance novel may not end in a happily ever after, if the person is lucky it would. But in real life, luck is not something handed out to just anyone. It is not biased and does not care who a person is and where they come from. This can be true to mental illness, although, the likelihood of having it can come from genetic make up.

This is one of the stories with the least likelihood of getting a happy ending where the couple would be together, forever. The reality is that being at either sides of this situation can take a toll on both the psyche and the heart. The only thing that would probably be romantic about the whole ordeal is how both people love each other. But it goes without saying that love is not enough to make a real life relationship work.

The beautiful thing about writing a biography is how it allows you to examine things in retrospect. Once the words, paragraphs and events in the story come together, one has the chance to see things from a distance. This lets you pinpoint vital parts and turning points in a life of a person and is a great legacy to leave humankind and those that have to go through the same plight.

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