By Walter Perry

Picking a cosmetic surgeon is a very important process because you will leave with the decision for a long time, if not forever. Hence, you should make a wise choice to avoid future regrets. If you are looking for a plastic surgery Michigan professional, the tips below will help you choose someone you can rely on.

The most important qualification is board certification, so before you begin interviewing anyone, ensure that they are certified professionals. In cosmetic surgery in particular, the government does not require a doctor to have trained in surgical procedures to perform such operations. Hence, any licensed professional can conducted such a procedure on you. American Board of Cosmetic Surgery certification is the best proof that you are hiring a qualified professional.

The experience of the professional you choose is another important factor to look at. You do not want a novice operating on you. Even if one is an experience surgeon, you need to consider the specific area in which they have specialized. There are many sub-specialties within cosmetic surgery and they all require different sets of skills and levels of experience.

Another consideration is the safety of the operating facility. A good surgeon should ensure that his or her facility is equipped with the latest machines and the services are exemplary. They should also have safety guidelines to follow during the procedure. These are meant to ensure patient safety. They should also have a life support system for emergencies.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons dictates that all facilities that provide surgical procedures meet their guidelines. The requirements are that the facility should be certified by the AAASF or any other recognized accrediting bodies such as the Joint Commission or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.

Ensure that there is a certified anesthetist to administer the required anesthesia. Some operations are very delicate and the wrong administration of medication can be fatal. Hence, ensure that you check the credentials of the anesthetist as well. They should be certified by the relevant authorities. They should have a Board Certified Anesthesiologist or a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

The customer service should also be superb. Whether you are talking on the phone or you have visited their offices, they should handle you with respect and dignity. Moreover, if you are making inquiries, the information provided from their end should accurate and not misleading in any way to compel you to have the procedure at their facility.

Check the hospital privileges the surgeon has. A reliable professional must have collaborations with leading local hospitals because some procedures are too complex to perform non-hospital setting. Having such agreements is also an indication of competence since most hospitals conduct very deep background check on the people they work with.

Lastly, remember to discuss the fees. Surgical procedures can be very expensive, especially esthetic ones. Hence, ensure that you are provided with a full quotation. Make sure that it covers all fees and there are no hidden charges. Sometimes, you can get a discount so do not shy from bargaining.

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