By Sherrine Albao

Muscular weakness is currently one of the most common causes of back pain and it can definitely have a very negative impact on your day to day functioning. Among some of the most common causes of this discomfort are nerve and muscular tissues, degenerative discs and arthritis. Back pain is merely a symptom of these issues and at some time or another, it will affect almost 80 percent of people throughout the US. Back pain, however, is fast to heal and rehabilitate with the right measures.

Insufficient physical exercise can cause the back and abdominal muscles to grow week and this will only get worse as people age. Moreover, weak abdominal or core muscles can result in tightening of the hip flexors, which in turn increases the lower back curve and creates pain in this area.

One very easy and all-natural way to resolve discomfort in the low back is by starting to exercise more. Back muscles, just like every other muscle group throughout your body, have to be exercised on a routine basis if they're going to maintain their strength and tone. Starting a routine exercise plan that includes plenty of back exercise and structured physical therapy will improve both the strength and the flexibility of your muscles so that your spine to maintain an optimal and neutral position.

Strengthening the hip flexors, oblique and extensor muscles will also help to reinforce spinal support, reducing pain in the lower back and even alleviating the need for surgery in most cases.

Beyond exercising regularly, it is also vital to stretch, especially if you've been sitting for a great length of time at your desk. If you weight more than you should, this could create low back strain. As such, it is vital for people to maintain healthy body weights. Given that the spine is designed to support the back, sleeping for eight hours to give it a sufficient period of rest is essential.

People who are experiencing back pain should seek the help of a trained and licensed professional who can devise an exercise and rehabilitation plan for their individual needs.

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