By Cynthia Mitchell

In the real sense, when one starts to get old many issues affects the entire body. The part that gets affected most is the spine. People in the age between thirty and fifty years are highly in danger of getting slipped discs. These conditions get referred to as the herniated disc. After research, almost half of the people who have grown up will acquire this condition where the spinal discs bulge. However, it is only two percent that develops symptoms which are obvious and severe.

It is, therefore, necessary to pay visits to healthcare specialist to conduct diagnosis and management of the symptoms as they arise and the possibility of prevention. The spine generally consists of vertebrae which are stacks of bones that are severed by hardcovers cushions called spinal discs. The discs are made of, on the other hand, external covers and soft interiors. Stress causes rapture of the external hard covers resulting in the herniation of discs.

The process of disc herniation is four staged. Degeneration as the first stage involves spinal discs giving up their elasticity as a person grows old. Prolapse, on the other hand as the second stage involves the soft interior contents of the discs pushing out and against the exterior hard layer thus a bulge is formed.

The third stage, on the other hand, is called extrusion. The soft internal contents penetrate the external disc layer and eventually pushes out of from the discs, spilling out into the spinal canal, which forms the final stage called sequestration.

Several symptoms accompany the condition. These are reliant on the interruption point to the functions of the nerve and areas of damage to the discs. The symptoms include numbness, pain; tingling and the weakness of the lower back for the parts affected for example the arms, buttocks, shoulders, and thighs. Coordination and motor problem are also other symptoms.

Herniation of the discs can, nonetheless, be prevented. The various ways of having the condition prevented is avoiding any risky acts, for instance, inappropriate load lifting and keeping a good spinal wellbeing. At the same time, keeping away from smoking while also maintaining ideal body weight remains essential towards preventing the condition. You may as well consider exercising in a bid to strengthen your trunk muscles.

At the same time, a number of techniques can be used by medical care practitioners to diagnose and manage this condition. These include physical examinations to aid in ascertaining the point of origination of pain as a result of this condition as well as using specific movements that usually mark the onset of discomfort. The other tests are such as neurological tests to determine the strength of muscles and coordination, sensory responses and even reflexes. The specialists could as well utilize x-ray tests, MRI, nerve conduction tests, and even CT scans.

For treatment, doctors usually recommend conservative and non-invasive treatments which utilize no surgery. These include physical therapy and counseling on keeping away from activities that can build up the condition. Surgical techniques are usually used for severe situations where the non-surgical methods fail. Patients may as well take various medications to ease discomforts as well as reducing muscle spasms and inflammation.

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