By Sarah Ellis

There are various root causes of infertility among women. Aging is one of those, which can lead to a decrease in egg production. Further, the produced eggs tend to have poor quality. Older females who are thinking of having a baby can choose from among the different herbs for fertility over 40 years old that are proven to work successfully.

Although it's true that there are modern day ways of encouraging pregnancy among older women, they are not always the best options around. It's for the fact that they tend to come with very steep prices. What's more, not all facilities offering these advanced treatments are easily accessible to those who are desperately planning on getting pregnant.

It's because of these reasons why most women who like to get in the family way resort to the use of herbal supplements and preparations. Coming in the form of tea, capsules and tinctures, these plant based solutions are known to be very helpful. When used correctly, many of them can actually encourage pregnancy among advanced age women.

Red raspberry assists in keeping the uterus healthy. It's a must for the uterus to stay in wonderful state so that it may facilitate fetal implantation as well as minimize the risk of a miscarriage. An aging woman's uterus may depreciate health wise, and red raspberry is known to aid in keeping the said reproductive organ of a female in an excellent condition.

Milk thistle helps in keeping normal hormonal levels. Even though it's a fact that milk thistle is a well known herb for promoting a healthy liver, it is also commonly employed by traditional healers in balancing hormonal levels in women. This is vital most especially for a female who likes to bear a child but is having a difficult time doing so due to her age.

Stress related hormonal imbalance can be reduced with ashwagandha. Having high levels of stress can keep any woman from having a child due to hormonal imbalance. Those who are on the hunt for ways to manage chronic stress to get pregnant may give ashwagandha a try. Sometimes known as Indian ginseng, ashwagandha is revered for its ability to minimize the ill effects of stress on the body of a woman.

Chaste tree berry maintains normal menstrual cycle. Needless to say, menopause is something that can prevent any woman from ending up pregnant. An herbal solution that's known to fend off menopause onset is chaste tree berry. Taken on a regular basis, it's proven to maintain normal menstrual cycle, thus boosting the chance of getting pregnant.

Increase circulation to the uterus with nettle. Every middle aged woman planning on conceiving a child should see to it that her uterus is being properly supplied with nutrients and oxygen. According to herbal experts, nettle is something that's perfect for the job. Women 40 and above may still become pregnant by keeping their uterus optimally nourished.

Taking advantage of herbs that are proven by scientists to encourage pregnancy should be used under the supervision of an herbalist. This is true most especially for a female with a known medical condition. While herbs do come straight from nature, many of them can still cause unwanted effects especially if used incorrectly.

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