By Belinda Griffin

Many of us often suffer discomfort whether physically or mentally, and even socially, like for instance when he or she has bleeding gums. This condition is often an indication that you have contracted gum disease. Now, if bleeding continues to persist for a few days, then it is imperative that you have to consult your dentist for advice as soon as you can. Listed below are just some possible causes of gum disease where your immediate attention is fully needed.

Brushing too vigorously or flossing aggressively will lead to bleeding gums because the rough mechanical action of flossing or brushing may irritate and damage the oral tissues which are very delicate and sensitive; and cause the gums to bleed. However, this happening is rare especially when the gum tissues are healthy.

Periodontal disease or gum disease is a bacterial infection in which the major sign seen is the bleeding and inflammation of the gums. This occurs when the plaque is allowed to build up below the gum line which causes the gums to become irritated. If this is not readily treated, the gum disease can develop into the advanced stage which will cause loss of teeth.

Chewing or even smoking cigarette and tobacco can also cause bleeding gums. According to studies, smokers are found to have more tartar on their teeth than individuals who are non-smokers. The toxic effects of smoking tobacco and cigarette on the gum tissue itself could also make smokers more likely to develop the gum disease.

Hormone receptors present in gum tissues can cause an increase of fluids in the gingiva or gum tissue making it more tender, reddish, and swollen. But, the signs or symptoms disappear as the level of the hormone goes back to normal.

Lack of Vitamin K can also result to bleeding gums. This vitamin plays a huge role in blood clotting and insufficient supply of this kind of vitamins in the body can make you more prone to bleeding gums.

Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system destroys the body tissues. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, are just some of the auto immune diseases that often lead to bleeding gums.

Leukaemia, cancer of blood cells and bone marrow; causes the patient to bleed easily. Bleeding gums is one common symptom of individuals with leukaemia.

Medications that are sold in local drug stores such as anti-depressants, oral contraceptives, anti-coagulants, and nasal sprays may also cause bleeding gums. It is essentially important to consult your doctor before buying any kind of over-the-counter medications.

Additionally, consult your dentist for advice and possible treatment when you experience bleeding gums. Remember, inn whatever kinds of health problem, self-diagnosis must be avoided to prevent further complications.

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