By Dr. Martin Rutherford, DC

Migraines and chronic headaches are among the nastiest of the weakening conditions that plague society today and the frequency of occurrence and severity are enlarging. The present medical model is two dimensional 1.the function of one of the many medications for discomfort alleviation, reduced extremity and frequency of headaches, and mitigation of concomitant vertigo and dizzy spells symptoms. 2. Enquiry of the potential and "common" triggers (stress, emotional upset, hormonal disparities, sleep deprivation, red wine, fermented cheese, chocolate, coffee, etc). This approach isn't without it's advantages, but is restricted in its chemical approach and scope relative to the correction of the factors behind the multiple underlying mechanisms that predispose folk to the suffering of migraines. The trade off for the relief of migraine symptoms with this approach is of course the long listing of moderate to severe complications from the long run use of these moderate to aggressive pharmaceuticals and often a rise in the severity and frequency of subsequent episodes.

The reason for this is that the medications are unable to address the causative neurological and metabolic mechanisms of migraines and chronic headaches. The pharmaceuticals dilate the arteries, "inhibit" neurotransmitters (brain chemicals "particularly serotonin) and "block" calcium and beta adrenergics. The main question that has to be answered "What are the mechanisms that are "broke" that cause some peoples arteries to contract and others to distend, some to require calcium block" and so on. ?

The prevailing medicinal model and current concept is leaning heavily toward the root of all the abnormal chemical mechanisms leading to migraines being due to faulty calcium physiology. The functional medicine/chiropractic neurology approach feels the mechanisms are more varied and complicated and must address both brain and metabolic aberrations in the chronic migraine victim.

The chiropractic neurology viewpoint is that there is a decreased function in an area of the brain that controls blood flow on the same side of another part of the brain that controls dilation and contraction of the blood vessels. This is an electric not a chemical (ie- calcium abnormalities) imbalance. The mixture of these 2 areas not firing "in sync" causes a decrease in blood flow to part of the brain (different in everyone) and an increase in chemical irritations that overwhelm further mechanisms that usually stop your grey matter from feeling agony. This neurological complex mechanism "when present - predisposes patients to suffering migraine symptoms.

The above abnormal neurological electric imbalances often exist alongside multiple metabolic imbalances in the predisposed migraine victim. These mechanisms are not considered as part of the "cause" for headaches in the medical model. The list is long: undiagnosed thyroid conditions , uncontrolled high or low blood sugar, untreated or undetected anemia's, GI/liver issues, intestinal issues (Celiac, IBS, inflammatory bowl), autoimmune diseases, fatty acid metabolism, dietary sensitivities, hormonal issues in females "and more. Take away message: it's not just calcium channel mechanisms.

So how can this all work in partnership to cause migraines? What happens is that the patient has one of the above aberrant firing patterns (from stress, old concussions, auto accidents, and numerous other causes beyond the extent of this piece of writing) mixed with one of more of the above mentioned metabolic conditions. The patient lives in this unsteady condition without pain due to the bodies natural efforts and abilities to keep it in check (maintain homeostasis). Then something (the trigger) destabilizes the system and finally the body's capabilities to neutralise the base abnormal mechanisms that are predisposing the patient to potential migraines. The triggers mentioned earlier in this piece are often mistaken for the "cause" because now the patient will experience various migraine symptoms. But the trigger only destabilizes the unusual mechanisms that have been laying in wait for months or years . Once the mechanisms are destabilized they stay that way until corrected.

So how does medication correct the numerous complex patterns that come to our offices "all with the diagnosis of headache? It doesn't, it can't. Thank god that it can manage the symptoms, especially for the people who will never know that the above mechanisms even exist and that they can frequently be managed or corrected without medicine.

The functional medication, chiropractic neurologist approach is many-faceted. An intensive history must be taken which should uncover the above named triggers and very likely some of the many that haven't been mentioned. A complete, complete functional neurological examination must be performed to pinpoint the precise brain misfiring pattern of that precise headache victim. Specific blood, urine, DNA, and fecal testing may be needed to figure out the metabolic imbalances destabilizing the brain pattern. And eventually a non-drug brain strengthening custom is implemented to stabilise the imbalances present in that person's brain and a non-drug holistic approach to that individual's unusual metabolic inequalities is also implemented at the same time. This protocol has been awfully successful in the resolution of migraines. Not all migraines are the same. You must define the uniqueness of each case and treat the patient and not the diagnosis. To do otherwise is a recipe for failure.

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