The Dangerous Effects of Darvon Withdrawal

By Barbra McKinley

What Is Darvon?

It is a famous brand name of the propoxyphene drug.It's a narcotic intended to relieve pain and suppress cough.Though it's a pain reliever, the pain sensation stays pronounced even when taking the drug as it has weaker side effects than other narcotics like morphine, codeine, and hydrocodone.Because of this, people often improve their dose to experience more powerful effects.

Propoxyphene was banned in the United States last 2010 after analyzing the benefits and risks of the drug.The government found a choice that the harmful effects from the drug outweighed its advantages.These harmful effects are addiction, cardiovascular illnesses, suicidal behaviors, and death in serious cases.

Like every other pain-killer, Darvon is extremely addictive.The longer people use it, the higher the chance of drug dependence and addiction.The prolonged use of this drug can boost the tolerance of people and will lead to exhibiting withdrawal from Darvon each time the drug effects wear out.

It's no wise decision to mix Darvon with alcohol as this will worsen the results of both substances and could result in serious illnesses.This drug ought not to be combined with other narcotic drugs because the negative effects may become lethal and cause serious injury to the individual.

Darvon's Common Side Effects

Respiratory negative effects include respiratory collapse, difficulties in breathing, and shallowness of breath.

Side effects affecting the heart are palpitations, chest pains, as well as an decrease or increase of the heart rate.

Neurological side effects include dizziness, regular headaches, and hallucinations.People taking Darvon aren't permitted to drive or travel alone as it can certainly impair the person's way of thinking.

The Abuse of Darvon

Darvon is a very dangerous drug particularly when abused and brought within an alarming level.It's highly addictive that may result in individuals to experience serious Darvon withdrawal symptoms every time they miss or reduce their dosages.Though this is the case, this drug continues to be considered to be administered to patients in prisons, nursing homes, and during emergency situations.

Darvon was included in the top ten most abused drugs in the usa and it has been linked to many severe health illnesses of patients.Developing addiction or dependence to pain-killer is a popular case and also the number is still growing until now.

The abusing of Darvon begins when people increase their dose and will take them more regularly.Despite the fact that it's strictly employed for the relief of pain, lots of people went to extreme if you take them to be able to feel good until they develop an addiction or dependence.

How Can Darvon Abuse be Treated?

Commonly, a Darvon detoxification will be prescribed by medical professionals to help individuals overcome drug dependence and addiction.The detox process can be challenging and should not be done without the recommendation of a medical expert.There are individuals who attempted to perform detoxification all by themselves and have become unsuccessful plus some even returned to abusing drugs or suffered serious illnesses.

Darvon was banned for any reason. Don't make use of this drug or any type of propoxyphene without speaking with a medical expert.Should you or someone you know is already addicted or dependent to Darvon, look for medical help right away and also have your Darvon withdrawal and detox properly treated.

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