By Haywood Hunter

When one wants to look good for an event such as a wedding, one of the areas that they will have to pay a lot of attention to is the skin. However, not many were born with a golden glow on their skin. They can however achieve this by using the sun laboratories tanning lotion. There are a number of procedures that one is required to follow when using the product if at all they want to get pleasing results.

The purpose of exfoliating before using the lotion is to remove the dead skin to expose a fresh healthy layer underneath. You can get a good body scrub at your pharmacist. By rubbing this vigorously on your skin, you will take out all the dead skin. For best results, you can couple it with a body brush. Now, the skin is ready for the product.

Shaving or other hair removal processes will ensure that your skin is ready for procedure by using the product. The product tends to cause some slight irritation on broken skin. For this reason, you should use it at least five to six hours after shaving so that your skin can have some time to heal.

Moisturize your skin in preparation for the procedure. Not only should you moisturize the skin from outside, but from inside as well. To achieve this, you have to hydrate by taking lots of water, and preferably a lot of vegetables. This will keep your skin moist and ready for the whole process.

Use a good cleansing body wash to wash area that are bound to have chemical residues such as the neck and the armpits where there may be perfume and deodorant left on them. Remember, perfume and deodorant do react with the product and usually give a very displeasing dark green residue. To be on the safe side, wash thoroughly before using it.

The face is the most important part of the body when it comes to appearance. You have to prepare yourself before you use the best lotions by using a good cleanser and toner to open up the pores, and create a good canvas for tanning. Ensure that the kind of toner you use is alcohol free. Otherwise you might end up drying out your face and destroying the tanning effect of the product you have used.

Use the sun laboratories tanning lotion in a place with minimum humidity. A humid environment such as the one in a shower will make the lotion melt off and form streaks. You will hence be required to use the product again. If the area where you live is hot and humid, light a fan or a cooler and sit in front of it as you wait for the lotion to dry.

Sun laboratories tanning lotion is surely carving a niche for itself in the world of self tanning products. If you would like to check out a range of products that are on offer, you can simply visit Here one will find more information on all the products that are being offered and clever tricks and tips on how to use these products. You will also be able to find dealers. Select the right product to use for the procedure. Take your time and choose wisely.

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