By Francis Riggs

With the rising cases of testes cancer all over the world, men ought to be vigilant in fighting it in all ways. This is a serious health condition that some men have little information about. With the changes in lifestyles and diet, this problem is prominent today and this should not continue. While self examination is good for detecting any developing sign, knowing the risk factors causing it and meeting your doctor for checkup is more effective if you are to avoid developing testicular cancer.

Normally, testes should descend to the scrotum after they are formed. But this does not always happen to every boy child after birth. While the formation of the testes takes place while the boy is right in the womb, descending of these testes to the scrotum happen later. Nonetheless, testes on some boys fail to descend due to various reasons and this becomes a major challenge to their parents and family members.

When the worst happens and the testicles of your child completely fail to descend to their respective storage bag, surgery becomes the most effective solution to this problem. Through surgery, doctors are able to move the testicles to the scrotum and this boosts the reproductive life of the boy child. However, this surgical process may expose the child to developing this problem especially if the surgery happens to boys under the age of 13.

Men who have had testes cancerous problem before stand a chance of suffering from this problem than those who have never suffered before. If you had this problem in one of your testicles, you should see your doctor often to minimize the chances of developing similar problem in the other healthy testicle. This helps a lot especially if you see a specialist in reproductive health.

Race and age is also a risk factor to this cancerous condition you need to know. Different from other cancerous conditions today, the cancer that affects testes is common to men who are middle-aged especially those between 15 to 49 years. Many white men suffer from this condition more than men from other ethnic groups do. For instance, this cancerous problem is most common in Western and Northern Europe than in other parts of the world.

Any information about the cancerous condition in any of your male close members should be a wake-up call on the preventive measures you should put in place. Chances of you developing the cancerous problem are not severe if your father had it, as it would be if your brothers suffer from it. Again, when one of the twin brothers is suffering from this problem, the other should not dismiss the whole thing.

If your endocrine gland experiences disruptions in the way it functions, this may also affect your reproductive health. You therefore, need to avoid distracting objects like chemicals, pesticides and other chemical preservatives in the laboratories to be safe. If these chemicals disrupt the endocrine gland, the cells in your testicles may develop the cancerous condition.

You should ask your doctor to help you fight infertility since it a risk factor to this cancerous condition. Men with fertility problems can develop this problem more that healthy men. Men who smoke a whole packet of 10-20 cigarettes for a long duration may be increasing their chances of developing the cancerous problem.

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