By Barbara Hayes

The ancient way of making the body have a consistent development of body, mind and spirit is known as yoga. The sessions should be made mandatory for attendance to young people who have mental illness to make sure they do have a quicker recovery. Attendees leave the sessions better than they were before they did attend hence this yoga and meditation and mental illness in youth should be taken seriously.

The practice where someone makes the mind come to its senses and appreciate life is known as meditation. When youths who have this ailment are given meditation classes, they tend to give them a relaxed mood which makes them calm until they are able to realize what they are doing. Awareness comes from continuously engaging into the sessions until all that was lost comes back to the mind.

Different factors do influence how mental illness do affect the youths and when we look at them closely we are able to have a better clarity. Family genes do affect people in many ways since they are things we cannot change in blood and body of people. Diseases becomes inherited from one generation to the other and in these case brain infections are passed through that lineage.

Bacteria is a single-cell life form that can live anywhere even in the human body hence causing major infections due to the toxins produced. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder is caused by bacteria activities in the human brain hence is difficult to treat. It is the dream of everyone to have a healthy life but we human beings are prone to disease attack hence staying health should not be taken for granted and one should be joyous about it.

In the present days youths are abusing all sorts of substances in due to peer pleasure or their own personal reasons, substance abuse makes the highest percentage of youths to have this ailment. The way the brain loses the sense of which it does coordinate and passes messages to different parts of the body leaving the person in a mental trauma. It is the high time we as the young generation realize that the future of the country belongs to us and if we do take the issue lightly very few will see the brighter dawn.

Yoga classes do make those with ailment burn calories which are stored in the body by doing physical exercises. Muscles do become flexible with time since they do stretch and brain being one of the muscle too major changes does happen in it. Flexibility comes when the people do attend sessions continuously hence they should not miss them.

Lessons of meditation should be provided to the mentally ill in order for them to have a faster recovery rate. Their minds can come back to sanity when they are able to reflect events that happened in earlier days and those that are happening in the present times. With keen observation from psychology experts they are able to recover with time.

We as the youths have the power to say no to avoidable things in life that can make our future dull. Substance abuse can make us lose nearly everything in life when mental illness does strike. Many of our friends vanish and the world will be cruel to us.

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