By Jay Dy

You have just been in a car crash. If this was a major crash, a lot of people might go to the hospital to get checked out, especially if they've hit their heads. What most people aren't aware of is that even the most minor of these events can result in soft tissue injuries, which will, if they remain untreated, turn into chronic arthritis.

Whenever the body is jerked around in an impact event, injuries can occur. Actually, more than half of all cases of whiplash happen in instances in which almost no damage was sustained to the vehicle. If you are physical uncomfortable after one of the events or feel pain, this likely means that you've been injured. Your Kent chiropractor will exam you thoroughly. This professional is trained and able to identify injuries resulting from car accidents and can help you get on the path to recovery.

What are some of the benefits of seeing a chiropractor after you've had a car accident?

Whiplash is among the most common injuries that people sustain in these events, it occurs whenever the head makes a sudden, jarring motion that travels back to forth or side to side. The spine is weakened by whiplash, , which in turn causes severe discomfort including pain in the arm, shoulder, neck and even lower back. When you work with a Kent chiropractor, spinal manipulation and muscle relaxation/stimulation will be performed, and your provider may suggest ergonomic and lifestyle changes for expediting healing.

Neurological and orthopedic testing can be performed by a chiropractic doctor as well, so as to better assist any damage to the soft tissues, structural harm, range of motion issues, joint and nerve functioning and muscle strength and to know if there are problems that have been overlooked by other practitioners. After the targeted area has been found, you will be given an individualized plan of care from your Kent chiropractor.

The plan might include a chiropractic adjustment schedule, as well as trigger point therapy and frequently deep tissue massages. Chiropractic adjustments may restore health in your spine and surrounding tissue and muscles. Adjustments will help subluxations, strained tissues and herniated discs, returning you to full, pain-free mobility.

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