By David Kellan

Mosquito bites are known for more than just leaving behind red bumps on the skin. As a matter of fact, many of these bites can lead to severe illness, which can take on one of many forms. This is where the expertise of Long Island mosquito control specialists can come into play. What are some of the most serious mosquito-borne illnesses, you may wonder? Here are 4 that you should not only learn about, but take steps in order to prevent.

West Nile Virus - If you want to discuss illnesses brought on by mosquito bites, you'll want to discuss West Nile Virus. One of the defining traits of this condition, according to companies such as Alternative Earthcare, is that most people exhibit no symptoms. In fact, this is what makes treatment so tricky, as people don't feel ill enough to see their doctors. Of course, this is just one of the many aforementioned illnesses to be aware of.

Yellow Fever - While it's mostly relegated to the tropical regions of South America and Africa, yellow fever is still nothing short of troublesome. Perhaps the main way that it's identified is through a person's development of jaundice. This is when the skin and eyes start to develop strange tones of yellow. Other signs of yellow fever include fatigue and vomiting. Symptoms like these can managed through medical solutions, but there's no cure for the disease as of now.

Malaria - A couple of years ago, roughly 214 million cases of malaria were reported, which has only gone up since then. To say that this is a serious mosquito-borne disease would be an understatement, especially when it tends to result in flu-like symptoms. Anyone that specializes in mosquito control Long Island will tell you that malaria can be prevented. It's simply a matter of contacting your medical specialist for the right solutions.

Zika Virus - To say that the Zika virus is often associated with mosquito bites would be an understatement. Not only is it one of the most common conditions, in this respect, but it can lead to a number of other health problems to boot. For example, if someone is pregnant and contacts the Zika virus, birth defects may occur. While it's fortunate that the body can remove this illness on its own, there are treatments meant to alleviate these symptoms or, at the very least, reduce their collective severity.

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