By Hellen Moare

Inflammation in the fluid sacs which provide joint cushioning is know as bursitis. The sacs are known as bursae. The function of these cushion is to prevent excessive friction in the interaction between bones and muscles. For any of several reasons, the bursae can be compressed, causing painful symptoms. Some of the more common causes include aging, injuries, repeated movements or rheumatic conditions. The chiropractic Norwalk CT team can apply methods to reduce the pain and swelling which is often linked to bursitis.

If inflammation is recurrent or the patient has been experiencing it for a long time, it can be detected through X-rays. When bursitis is in its early stages, a chiropractor may use ultrasound to reduce the swelling. This modality may be paired with massage therapy.

Stabilizing the condition usually is the initial step, typically followed by manipulation of the affected joints. Many people do not realize that manipulating the extremities is effective in reducing pain. When joints are gently moved, the soft tissues are freed up and bursae pressure is alleviated.

Therapeutic techniques are effective in strengthening musculoskeletal components, which reduces the likelihood of future injury. When bursitis causes pain, victims tend to avoid using the surrounding soft tissues and the muscles can become atrophied. The benefits of manipulating joints are accomplished by giving the patient exercises to be done at home between office sessions. Circulation is enhanced, which helps to increase the flow of nutrients to the muscle tissue, as well as carrying away any damaged cells, toxin and debris. Physical therapy increases stamina and improves range of motion. The chiropractor customizes the exercise routines in order to best fit the needs of the specific patient.

Some patients receive suggestions for dietary improvements. Others may require supplements in order to improve the health of their joints. The nutritional levels can be identified through the application of tests. The right nutritional level helps better overall health and will also speed recovery from the bursitis pain.

Chiropractic care provides safe, effective solutions for bursitis without resorting to medication or surgery. This total-body approach goes beyond symptom-management to address the underlying cause of the condition and minimize the likelihood of recurring pain.

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