Subconscious Mind Secrets And Myths

By Geoff Vincent

Most people are already aware of the concept of having a 'subconscious' mind as well as a 'conscious' mind. On the other hand, not many people actually realize just how powerful the subconscious mind can be. In fact, it is without a doubt one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal, but you need to bear in mind that while your subconscious mind can be your best friend, it can also be your worst enemy, since it's the subconscious mind that essentially controls the life you live. So, what exactly is the subconscious mind, and why is it important that we pay attention to it?

Practically everyone acknowledges the fact that they have a subconscious mind, despite numerous attempts by professionals to convince us otherwise. Essentially, the subconscious mind could be compared to a game controller, in that it's responsible for our actions and our thoughts. It's that little whisper in the back of our mind which speaks to us whenever we find ourselves in a challenging situation. Of course, the manner in which your subconscious mind communicates with you will differ from one person to the next, and no two people will have the same subconscious mind. Irrespective of whether or not people are raised under the exact same circumstances, each one's subconscious mind will communicate with them differently.

If you take a minute to think about it, you'll realize that you've often heard your inner mind communicating with you. For example, you could have been on the brink of making an extremely important decision when something in your mind told you to back off. Hopefully, if you did back off, it was the right thing to do. Unfortunately though, that self same inner voice can also be a hindrance, in that it can often tell you that you cannot do something, when in fact there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to. It could for example manage to convince you that you're simply not good enough, or that you're not very attractive. As such, we can see that the subconscious mind is in essence what you think of yourself deep down.

When you're having deep thoughts and your subconscious mind is telling you negative things, then there's very little chance that you'll end up enjoying your life the way you should. Fortunately however, there is something you can do in order to change the way you feel about yourself. In fact you can make your subconscious mind say good things rather than bad so that you can live your life in happiness.

For example, many people firmly believe in the power of affirmations in order to change the way they think. These are essentially statements of a positive nature which one can repeat to oneself several times throughout the course of each day. The beauty of this is that there's no need to spend vast amounts of money, simply because you can do it all by yourself, at home or even at work. Just take a moment to think about what aspect of your life you'd like to change, and then start thinking about yourself.

If for example you with would like to get fit, then instead of focusing on the fact that you're out of shape, you should focus on how good it feels to be in shape. You need to write something along these lines down on a piece of paper which you can carry around with you in case you start doubting yourself. In order for this method to have maximum affect, you should even go as far as pasting a note of it in various parts of your home so that you see it as often as possible. The aim is for you to repeat this to yourself as much as possible each day so that your subconscious eventually comes around to your way of thinking.

In this example, you will soon start becoming fit, but if you used affirmations for some other purpose such as to make money, then you'll also discover your bank account will soon begin improving.

In case you're wondering if your subconscious mind really does have an impact on your life, let's look at the following scenario. You have an important meeting in the morning but unfortunately you forget to set your alarm. You wake up late and immediately begin panicking, and as a result, you soon start believing that the day is not going to go your way. To make matters worse, when you get into your car, you discover the battery is flat and that the car won't start. After getting someone to help you, you set off on your way but you end up getting caught in the traffic. Even when you do eventually make it to the meeting, everything seems to go wrong. By now you firmly believe that your day cannot get any worse than it's already is but the bad news is that it continues throughout the rest of the day.

Now, if you're like so many others, you'll simply put it all down to coincidence but the only problem is, there is no such thing as coincidence. Instead, everything happens for a reason. In fact, it's usually your subconscious mind which is the reason.

Interestingly enough, several books and movies have attempted to explain this phenomenon in recent times, and as a result, it has now become known as the 'Law of Attraction'. Essentially, the Law of Attraction states that the subconscious mind actually helps to create reality rather than only influence it.

Even though this may sound rather crazy, the fact of the matter is that it is in agreement with quantum physics. In fact, it has even been proven at a subatomic level, in that matter is intrinsically linked to the mind of the observer. Interestingly enough, many ancient religions have been trying to tell us of this ever since man can remember.

Obviously, if we create our own reality with us subconscious mind, then we can buy all accounts choose what sort of reality we wish to experience. Using nothing more than affirmations, some of the wealthiest people in history have managed to accumulate vast amounts of money. This is because they continuously and consistently believed that they were becoming rich.

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