By Jessica Bailey

The recent cuts in legal aid have caused concern for NHS patients across the country. The government's cuts will now make it harder for individuals to make clinical negligence claims, even if they rightly deserve compensation. However, by 2015 it is reported that legal aid will only be available for a substantially low number of clinical negligence cases. The news has sparked concern that thousands of people will suffer due to medical malpractice, without the ability to claim compensation. It has highlighted the importance of knowing how to pursue a strong clinical negligence case and what options are available for low income families. Here you can find more information on making a clinical negligence claim and how legal aid cuts could affect you.

Making a Clinical Negligence Claim

Do you think you have a clinical negligence case? If so, act fast. The quicker you put together your case, the more time you will have to find the best legal help. If you're still unsure that you have an eligible case, here is a short list of the most common clinical negligence claims:

* Surgical Mistakes - Botched or unnecessary surgical procedures. * Delayed Diagnosis/ Misdiagnosis - Failure to diagnose an illness, or a delay in diagnosis can cause devastating long term effects. * Delay In Treatment - A delay in treatment can have fatal results * Inappropriate Treatment - Being given the wrong treatment is a clear example of clinical negligence. * General Practitioner Negligence - If your GP should have transferred you to a specialist you could grounds to claim.

Even if your case is not listed above, you should still contact a clinical negligence solicitor. Clinical negligence covers a wide range of claims, so it is always wise to consult a professional.

Clinical Negligence Claims Lawyers

Legal aid cuts should not deter you from pursuing a clinical negligence claim. Choosing the right law firm could relieve you of added financial pressure by offering 'no win, no fee' agreements. A useful way to identify a good law firm is to research solicitors who have specific skills in the area of your clinical negligence claim.

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