What is the real truth behind health and fitness

By Tarek Mafool

We've all learned things about information that turns out not to be true, health and fitness facts and myths are no different really. Myths are born when we hear something about a good tip even if we don't have the whole story and we go and tell the next person. Maybe they even didn't hear it right. But they innocently tell something they know, and another myth is born, again. FYI - For those that think that HIIT cardio isn't the best form of cardio and that it's a myth you're dead wrong. Studies prove it to be incredibly effective. Anyway back to the article...

There is a greater likelihood that we will accept something as truth if we sense the person saying it is in some position to know, or has some authority. The lies you might hear can cause you physical pain if you don't have all of the details or the tip you get is wrong altogether. We will talk about some of the worst fitness and health facts and rumors.

The attitude about sweating is a bit on the odd side. Most people believe that sweat is indicative of hard work and a good workout. The opposite is also true for most. In fact sweat is simply your body's air conditioner. Physical exertion and sweat are not interrelated.

There is a curious attitude when it comes to sweating. Most people believe that sweat is indicative of hard work and a good workout. There are some who also believe that if they aren't sweating they aren't getting a good workout. When you sweat, it is just your body cooling itself off. While they may be a product of one another sweat and physical exertion are not indicative of one another.

So do your due diligence!

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