By Haywood Raptis

Orange tinted disasters, when using self tanning products, are a thing of days gone by. Great products, such as sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation, are now offering flawless and natural looking tans without needing any time in the sun. Self tanning products on the market today are available to suit any need. Numerous shades of tanner are available, making it easy for any type of consumer to find a sunless tanner they can be satisfied with.

There is one element that every sunless tanning product has in common. That element is an ingredient known as dihydroxyacetone. It is sometimes referred to as DHA. This ingredient in tanners is a sugar derivative and works through a simple process of reacting with amino acids in the skin. The reaction that occurs is what creates that natural looking tanned look. DHA can be found in all self tanners, including Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation and is the primary reason why no sun is needed to tan the skin anymore.

For a safe tanning alternative, Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation is a good choice. The DHA contained in this product, as well as all others on the market, is FDA approved for safety. Unlike the actual sun, self tanners do not break down the skin's DNA, which makes them much safer to use. There is the chance that an allergic reaction can occur when using any type of product like those, however. Any ingredient in the formula has the potential to cause a skin reaction. This is more common in people with skin sensitivity issues. The best practice is to always test on a small area of the skin whenever trying sunless tanner for the first time.

It is always important to protect the skin from sun exposure, regardless of whether or not a tanning product is being used. Just about ever self tanning product available will have SPF added into it. Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation is no exception to this. Adequate SPF is vital for skin protection and is an important factor to look for when buying self tanning products.

If the self tanning product being used does not contain any added SPF protection, a separate application of sunblock should be added to the skin when outside. Many users even elect to apply sunblock when they are using tanner like Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation anyway. This provides an additional layer of protection to the skin.

Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation is ranked as one of the best products within the tanning product market. It's ease of use is phenomenal. Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation is applied right before bed at night and works to darken the skin while the user sleeps. By morning, a flawless looking tan has been achieved.

Sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation should be applied with gloved hands to prevent the skin in that area from becoming unnaturally darkened while applying the product to the rest of the body. Gloves completely eliminate any issue with excessive tanning on the hands.

The manufacturer of sun Laboratories Dark Sunsation has been providing products to consumers for a number of years. They offer high quality self tanning products that are safe to use frequently. Those using sunless tanners for the first time should give consideration to Sun Laboratories Dark sunsation when shopping for a tanner that will provide quality results.

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