Reliable Ways Of Preventing Sickle Cell Anemia

By Sally Delacruz

Sickle cell disease is a genetic condition that affects hemoglobin in the red blood cells. It comes with recurrent pain and several complications that have a far reaching effect on the victim. The patient suffers at psychosocial level, education and in a way that will interfere with his economic potential.

Couples intending to get married and bear children are advised to attend genetic counseling sessions before conception since this is the best way of preventing sickle cell anemia. This will help them establish their levels of vulnerability and prevent the birth of a child who is infected. The counselors offer insights on preventive measures, reproductive and treatment options available for the disease.

The level of severity determines how long a patient lives. Children with the most severe form rarely get to celebrate their fifth birthday. They succumb to severe cases of anemia or complications that arise from this condition. This can be prevented through early detection and preconception awareness. Those who survive beyond five years are also vulnerable to complications arising from the condition.

Children with sickle cell disease and their families are under a lot of stress and social economic pressure. Recurrent crisis interferes with their lives to the extent of overtaking any other concern. Support from health departments and institutions is necessary in managing such patients. It helps the care givers to relax and concentrate on basic needs other than medical concerns.

The absence of known cure makes management of the condition the only option. Personal attention must be given to manage the complications and help the patient in dealing with the pain. Such a patient requires a lot of rest, good nutrition, analgesics and antibiotics. They also require fluids and folic acid to support their health.

Research is in progress to mainstream therapeutic agents used in some regions. These agents prevent and reduce the severity of attacks. Infant mortality and morbidity is reduced by neonatal screening. This needs to be combined with timely testing, parental education and comprehensive management.

The simplest, cost effective and inexpensive methods used include the use of penicillin to tackle infections. This option is not necessarily available to every household or family. Governments and health departments should prioritize counseling, prevention and advocacy. Early detection allows a patient to get skilled attention before the condition worsens.

The involvement of parents, care givers and teachers is crucial in achieving a multi disciplinary approach. Data collection aids in developing intervention measures since trends can be noted and necessary attention given to the process. Counseling before conception and screening for the couples is also crucial. It ensures that children are not born with sickle cell anemia.

The cost effectiveness of localized solution in pain management is proven. They do not require a lot of resources and are sustainable. Outreach and advocacy by health and social workers reduces chances of infected children. Early detection is the other option to facilitate professional management.

Examining family disease history for a couple helps them to eliminate chances of an infected birth. The most effective way is genetic screening but is not available to everyone because of resource constrains. Early detection and advocacy make management easier and effective.

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