By Sally Delacruz

When somebody is diagnosed with a dread disease it is not just the patient that is affected. Everyone around the newly diagnosed patient is affected in some manner. Patients need time to come to terms with the disease and most people experience all the classical phases of shock, anger, denial, depression and, eventually, acceptance. Experts agree that knowledge is one of the best weapons. Patients and their families should therefore learn as much as they can about the disease, for example by subscribing to an online cancer magazine.

It is important to stay abreast of research advances and alternative treatment options. This can only be done by making an effort to study the disease in question and to learn as much as possible. In this way patients can interact with their doctors intelligently and they can make informed decisions. It is also vital to understand that being diagnosed with a dread disease is no longer a death sentence.

A diagnosis often leaves patients and their loved ones in a state of shock. They feel helpless and afraid. These negative emotions can have an effect on their health and can also adversely affect everybody surrounding the patient. The best course of action is to know what to expect and to prepare mentally as well as physically. It is always best to face a fight well prepared.

Families are often at a loss about the best way in which to provide support for a diagnosed patient. Internet based publications can help patients to contact others that suffer from the same disease. In this way the support network of the patient can be enlarged. Of course, being able to access advice and encouragement from somebody with the same disease can be extremely comforting.

Another way in which these publications have proven to be helpful is by providing practical advice on matters such as diet, regular exercise and how to cope with the side effects of treatment. Many patients need to make changes to their lifestyles by quitting smoking, for example. Some sites offer practical advice, ongoing support and even structured programs to help their members to live healthier lives.

Cancer patients have access to a very large number of sites designed to provide them with encouragement, information and support. It is important to choose only sites that publish verifiable information and that use the services of experts in the field. Some patients join a number of sites before finally choosing one or two that satisfies their specific needs.

Experts have repeatedly warned patients against sites that claim to know about a miracle cure. Patients that are desperate often believe these claims and in the process they only endanger their own health. Patients should never try alternative treatment methods without discussing the matter with their doctor. These sites simply prey on the fear of ill people, scaring people into paying for new, secret cures.

Being diagnosed with a dread disease is a tremendous shock. However, scientific advances have ensured that patients now have many more options than before. With proper support and with the latest treatment many patients can continue to live productive lives.

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