By Earlene Silversmith

Turning to chiropractic care to alleviate a painful condition is a wise choice. When you meet for the first time, a medical history will be taken and your pain will be discussed. The cause and intensity will be part of the evaluation. A leading Raleigh Chiropractor will do a physical exam.

The spinal column and surrounding soft tissue will be examined visually and by palpating the area. Often an x-ray will be required. Some cases require an MRI to obtain a clear picture of any soft tissue damage.

Only after a thorough assessment can the optimal care plan be devised. It may include a combination of spinal adjustments and massage. Massage is known for the benefits to the entire back and especially when there is soft tissue damage.

Massage helps to ease pain in many ways. It improves circulation, reduces tension and increases range of motion ability. The joints grow more flexible as muscle cramps are eased.

It is also known to reduce swelling, which alleviates the pain and promotes a more rapid recovery. Your chiropractor may administer the massage alone or along with a series of gentle spinal adjustments. Alternatively, there may be someone certified in massage on staff in the chiropractic practice.

There are two levels of certification and one of licensing available following the requisite education. National Certification Examinations qualify the individual after the courses. Passing the licensing exam qualifies an individual to administer massage at the highest level.

When you have been fully evaluated, your care will be arranged to suit your specific needs in the best possible way. Each person requires a personally tailored plan for pain alleviation. If two people suffer the same injury, their care is not likely to be identical.

Your body is draped throughout the massage except for the area being massaged. Your modesty is preserved and you may keep your undergarments on if that makes you more comfortable. The ultimate goal is to return you to work and enjoying a good quality of life as soon as possible.

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