By Nelson Cozad

Osteoarthritis is a normal part of growing older. Most of us will develop it to some degree, possibly as young as 40 years old. It is caused by the degeneration of cartilage, which then leads to the formation of bone spurs, causing stiffness and pain in the joints.

Some people try to alleviate the pain associated with sore joints with prescription drugs. This gets a lot of individuals into a spiral of addiction and unpleasant side effects.

For osteoarthritis in the spine, chiropractic manipulation can offer relief by forcing to joints in the spine to move (keeping moving is important for arthritis sufferers, as long as not too much strain is put on joints). Non-surgical spinal decompression can sometimes help arthritis, although it is more commonly recommended for sciatica and disc herniations. Traction massage may also be helpful, as might heat and cold therapies.

On top of that, a good Stockbridge Georgia chiropractic clinic can recommend lifestyle changes to slow the progression of the disease. This might include weight loss, improved nutrition, and individualized therapeutic exercise programs. They may also recommend nutritional supplements that help to support cartilage health and slow degeneration. Exercise is a key part of management for osteoarthritis - it helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces pain and strengthens muscles around affected joints.

Even with stringent diet and exercise, osteoarthritis will probably not completely disappear. It can be managed however with a healthy lifestyle and occasional visits to a chiropractic office for supervised pain management sessions.

Arthritis is a often a symptom of growing older. It is not a death sentence or a reason to stop moving.

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