By Kurt Saniel

Dallas GA chiropractic offers personalized care to help patients manage pain naturally. At their first visit, patients undergo a thorough exam in which the practitioner takes digital images of affected areas to determine the underlying causes of pain. Several techniques and therapies are employed to help patients achieve optimal health.

When addressing vertebral misalignment due to routine activity or traumatic events, chiropractors use spinal manipulations, or adjustments, in order to move the joints back into alignment. Having the spine in proper position enables all body systems to function better, and allows the nerves to transmit signals uninhibited. This is a typically painless procedure.

Massages can help speed soft tissue injury healing, and it alleviates muscle spasms. Other benefits of these therapeutic techniques include removal of toxic buildup, improved circulation, and better flexibility.

Acupuncture is an ancient natural healing practice. A trained professional places needles into precise points and applies either heat or electricity in order to promote biochemical responses within the nervous system to reduce pain and bring balance to the body's systems.

Combining cold laser technology and electrical stimulation, cold laser therapy helps to reduce pain and promote healing. It's been used to effectively alleviate inflammatory conditions, such as tendonitis, arthritis, sprains, and a variety of other painful issues.

Surgery is often replaced by DTS. This gentle healing approach combines various pain reducing therapies with spinal compression to help speed one's recovery.

Cryotherapy involves the application of cold compresses to the skin to reduce pain and muscle spasms. It can be done in-office and at home.

Spinal decompression involves reducing one's pain and swelling and restoring proper function to the nerves through the placement of negative pressure on the discs.

Using a magnetic field to deliver heat to irritated nerves and affected soft tissue is how shortwave diathermy benefits many with musculoskeletal disorders.

Electrical muscle stimulation helps a body release healing endorphins that alleviate pain, by targeting soft tissue.

Microcurrent therapy replicates naturally-occurring nerve signals to reduce pain. In addition, Dallas GA chiropractic recommends orthotics and therapeutic exercises to reduce the risk of pain and injury.

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