Common Causes Of Bulging Veins

By Jason Nelson

Many people often develop marks as they grow older. Some examples are scars and cellulite which are generally harmless and is usually a byproduct of body changes. However, another mark that also appears on the arms and legs of a person are bulging veins which can be a sign of a hidden health condition. Before seeing for medical attention, here are some things you need to know first about bulging veins Gary IN.

First we need to understand that obvious veins may be due to lack of fat. People who have low body mass store little to no fat around their bodies, making their veins look more obvious than usual. Additionally, thinner people who perform intense exercises often enable veins to look bigger than they actually are. The reason behind this is because working out enables our blood pressure to elevate thus pushing these vessels closer to the skin surface and making it look enlarged.

Another is that prominent vessels can be a byproduct of an intense exercise regimen. For people who have low body weight, veins are most likely obvious because there is a lack of fat around certain extremities. When people work out, their blood pressures steadily increase, causing certain vessels to work harder than normal. During this process, these features are also pushed against the surface of the skin, making it obvious and very prominent.

If you are relatively young but have weakening valves, then this may be a sign of varicose veins. In this condition, prominent vessels are more obvious on the legs than the hands and are mainly due to the fact that such valves are unable to prevent backflow. When not taken cared of properly, the appearance of these vessels can enlarge and eventually cause painful sensations.

While exercise is the key to venal health, there are certain workouts that are more beneficial to your vessels than the rest. Some examples include walking, running, and stationary biking which are good workouts for the lower extremities. Other routines that are beneficial but must be treated with care include weight lifting, lunging, and yoga. The reason why the latter should be treated with care is because they can add pressure to the valves if performed incorrectly or too intensely.

When left ignored for too long, bulging vessels can put people at risk for severe circulatory issues. For instance, injured valve issues not only lead to prominent veins but also cause the potential formation of clots. For the latter, these substances may be formed as a byproduct of an infection during surgery or after years of harmful habits like smoking. When formed, these substances can affect major vessels which results to organ issues.

One other risk factor that clots can also bring is it not only affects venal health but can also affect other major organs. For example, say a clot that has been inhibiting blood flow in your leg starts to dislodge itself. When neglected for too long, it can travel to different organs which can affect your entire health. Case in point is pulmonary embolism which is when a clot causes a major blockage in the vessel of the lung.

With these facts to consider, one can easily see why it is important to invest in venal health. One way to ensure proper blood flow is to lie down on your bed with your legs elevated after a long day of work. To do the latter, rest your legs on two or three pieces of pillows piled on top of each other. This prevents causing valve issues while also allowing your aching muscles to rest.

One such example of venal treatment is sclerotherapy. This is a noninvasive treatment where doctors will inject a foamy substance into the veins of said person which results in them becoming thinner and less swollen over time. Depending on the severity, this type of treatment may require more than one session so the scars and veins will close and fade away easily.

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