By Ray Bonanza

If you are attempting to find an efficient way to lower your blood pressure naturally chances are you may be chasing a red herring. That's because according to Internet search figures and unauthenticated evidence from health forums, folk suffering from high blood pressure are most certain to be looking for a nutritional solution.

This isn't surprising when you think about that a few generations have now grown up under the you are what you eat mantra. The media definitely plays its part ; it feels like each day heralds the announcement of a new supplement that will prevent coronary disease thru lower blood pressure or cholesterol.

The list is long and includes chocolate, garlic, beetroot, celery root, grapefruit, Hawthorne berry, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, diverse amino acids and many , many more. Then you have the dizzying array of diets : the high carb diet, the low-carb diet, the fat burning diet, the Atkins diet and of course the official DASH diet recommended by most medical experts to lower blood pressure.

It is got to the point where many folks obsess over each morsel they put in their body. Sadly , the quest for a nutritive magical bullet is likely to lead only to a dead-end. In every case of supplement the results are rather less than amazing when examined closely over a period. You might consume every one of them and it would not likely make even a dip in your average blood pressure.

Diets are a more classy approach except for targeting categorical health Problems they also have their shortcomings. The reality is that human beings are the most adaptable creatures in the world. Normal, native peoples have survived and even prospered on the most diverse and frequently restrictive diets imaginable. They ate by prerequisite just what was available hereabouts and seasonally.

The outstanding thing these folks have in common, regardless of the variety of their diets is a virtually total lack of heart disease, high blood pressure and other life-threatening conditions prevalent in developed nations. It is tough to pin down precisely what accounts for this but it is not due to any particular diet!

Rather than looking at what these people eat, maybe its more useful to ask what they do not eat. Asking this question does in fact result in a standard answer : indigenous people have not historically eaten modern, processed foods. In truth, in case after case indigenous folk quickly develop shocking levels of high blood pressure and heart problems after adopting modern foods and lifestyle . Sadly , that is another thing they have in common.

It is a similar story with other nutrient elements. Processing food regularly destroys its natural balance and thus makes a contribution to high blood pressure. Replacing these natural nutrient elements with supplements or centered foods is a guessing game at best. Many nutritionists also argue that substances in additions simply do not work as they do where they happen naturally.

Eventually, modern research into high blood pressure and diet is coming up with similar answers. High blood pressure most often arises from a disparity in the body. Minerals like potassium, sodium and magnesium, for instance, must be in balance for healthy blood chemistry. When this chemistry is destabilized we get high blood pressure.

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