By Pedro Toledo

Today it seems everyone believes cardio training is necessary for health. I'd like to examine the proposed benefits of cardio in-depth. Let's start with the most important reason: heart health. From there, we'll move on more generally to training, fitness, burning fat, and overall health.

You are going to run. You are not gong to run for more than 20 minutes either. But you are going to run. Not everyday, not for hours, and not up a perpetual hill. You can start out with a brisk walk to overcome your fears, or even a light jog, but you are going to do it. You are going to do it, and it IS going to help you. Let's get started.

There are so many benefits to even the slightest cardiovascular activity, but I am going to first give you the 'mental' benefits with little technical explanation so as not to confuse you or discourage you. When you challenge yourself with even the most modest jog, you increase the amount of endorphins that your body creates. Endorphins are like a healthy morphine for you. There are trauma victims that sometimes cannot feel the pain associated with there injuries--because of the release of endorphins. It frees your mind of stress and makes you feel great. Just 20 minutes of running WILL make you feel like this. It does not have to be rigorous.

If you suffer from some form of depression--get on the treadmill. I'm not saying that this will solve your problem immediately, but it could very well help. I know this because I was prescribed Paxil to treat what I thought was mild depression during my later college years. Running helped me tremendously. It helped me to the point that not only did I ween myself off of the medication and my depression essentially disappeared, but I haven't even taken so much as a Tums for an upset stomach in I don't know how long. My mental state is night and day compared to what it used to be and I can directly attribute my success to taking action and slowly working up a jogging routine. This changed my life.

The physical benefits are abundant as well. Now, I must tell you. Running, jogging, walking, will help you lose weight initially if this is your primary goal. So if you are just starting out you will see quick results. The body is very complex and very smart, though. It will soon figure out your routine and 'adapt'. When it does, you are going to have to keep your body guessing to keep it changing. Don't let this discourage you because the changes you need to make are not that difficult, but you will have to change up the routine after a while. I see tons of people every day get discouraged because they hit a 'wall'. It isn't that they have hit a wall and will never lose another pound, but the same exact routine day in and day out won't work long term. You must change it up after awhile. Like using the incline function on the treadmill to run uphill, or varying the speeds with which you run during your jog. This WILL work....but keep the body guessing! I suggest running on a treadmill to start rather than running outside for a few reasons. The first is obvious in that some of you reading this will live in climates that are not warm year 'round. A treadmill can be used all year within the comfortable confines of your own home. You don't need to look pretty and you can grunt, scream, cry, spit--whatever you need, without social ramifications!

In closing, I must re-iterate that we are not against all running. Interval sprinting is fine, even encouraged, but LSD running is not. Interval training and Ultrafit training will improve maximal cardiac output (that very important reserve capacity), promote the loss of body fat, and prevent cortisol levels from rising too high, which benefits mental and sexual function, the ability to sustain energy throughout the day, as well as maintaining bone and muscle mass.

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