Flea Prevention

By Robert Baker

Fleas are a fairly common pest. If your cat has fleas she probably is driving herself crazy with the itchiness and may even scratch herself to the point of having sores. If you have fleas chances are you are a victim of their nasty little bites as well. Sometimes you can even see them jumping from cat to cat or through your bedding or carpet.

Here is a nasty fact to amaze and horrify your friends: Fleas are awesome jumpers and can make a 33 centimeter leap! That is over 1 foot. If you are challenged by a flea infestation there is no need to worry. They can be eradicated fairly easily.

Fleas have a long and infamous history as pests of humans and domestic animals:

* Fleas transmit the bacterium Yersinia pestis from rats to humans; and therefore are required for the transmission of bubonic plague, which caused the deaths of as many as 25 million people during the 14th Century. * Fleas transmit murine typhus. * Fleas are hosts to Dipylidium caninum, or tapeworms, as they are more commonly known. Dogs, cats, other pets, or humans who accidentally swallow an infected flea (for example, while playing with a pet who has fleas) can develop a tapeworm infection. * Fleas can cause painful rashes, especially in sensitive individuals. These rashes may become infected when the affected individual scratches them.

These days we know so much about fleas and how to deal with them. No need ever allow an infestation to continue. Here are some ways to start ridding yourself of these pests.

* Start with your bed and clean everything thoroughly. This includes the mattress and all the crevices where the eggs can hide. * Vacuum your carpet daily and discard the used vacuum bags immediately. Steam cleaning the carpet will kill not only the fleas but the eggs as well. * If you decide to use an insect "bomb" be sure to remove ALL live critters including people for the recommended time. If you hire a professional to take care of this process be sure that they use animal friendly products that won't hurt your cat. * Don't forget to treat the outdoors as well. Leaving the area untreated simply invites the fleas into your home to start their infestation all over again.

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