Protein Bar Review - A Buyer's Guide!

By Candus Juckson

Moving around from shelf to shelf with no luck whatsoever? You want a portable nutrition bar that is portal and tastes awesome. Surprisingly, protein bars or meal replacement bar as they say it, are pretty common among physical trainers, dieters, athletes or random people searching for a healthy meal replacement. Honestly, there is a huge variety of protein bars that can answer the needs of everyone. This protein bar review aims to guide every buyer searching for the the right meal supplements.

Now when you have less time but so many aisles filled with protein bars, you can narrow down your choice by reading the label. First look for the quantity of protein in a single serving and then move on to read its total carb content in grams. After that, try to think why you want a protein bar? Do you want it as a meal replacement, instant energy or as just a snack? Once that is decided, you will find it easy to narrow down your choice. Or simply read through protein bar reviews on the internet to finalize your choice.

Which to use, meal replacement bars or energy booster bars? The meal replacement bar is one category of protein bars. A bar of over 300 calories would be in this category. The normal meal replacement bar would contain approximately 25 g of protein. Carbohydrates in one of these bars would be approximately 30 g to 50 g. If you want to get technical a good ratio would be 40: 30:30, this would be proteins first, carbs and than fats.

A protein bar does make a great snack or meal replacement that is filling and nutritious, vs eating junk food which is neither filling or nutritious. To get better ideas of what you want check out protein bar review sites and you will find the perfect protein bars to replace your meals or satisfy you in between meals. If you are looking for protein bars to satisfy your hunger between meals follow these ideas.

Protein content is a great way of choosing protein bars. Most protein shakes yield good results for building lean muscle mass but when you take protein bars, you can actually view the amount of protein going in. Reading through some whey protein bar review sites would help you understand how protein makes lean body mass and reduces fats. The best part about protein bars is that they don't make you feel stuffed but quite satisfied. For an average sized individual on a dieting plan, up to 15g of protein can suffice your need.

Choosing protein bars by carb content, since it is one of the three components in the protein bar, carbohydrates are probably the more important, why? Carbohydrates will be needed for people who are physically busy, athletes and people who just like to work out. Carbohydrates will make people just interested in dieting harder to lose weight. This will be the determining factors on whether you can use Atkins bars or met-rx products. If you need any immediate source of energy and you want to look at carbohydrates to help you keep your energy level up during a work out. Dieters will want to use low glycemic protein bars. There are four stages of carbohydrates that you need to look for deciding on the protein bar they want: 0 to 20 grams, 21 to 30 grams, 31 to 40 grams and 41 plus gram. You can learn more by looking at protein bar review sites.

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