By Trenton Rivers

Defining the Actiq Drug

Actiq is a narcotic drug accustomed to relieve pain associated with cancer. It shouldn't be used for common pains like headaches, migraines, and back pains. Because of the high risks of abuse, overdose, and addiction of the drug, it is just acquired through a program required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) called Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). To qualify for the program, you have to sign documents indicating that you simply understand is completely aware the benefits and risks of this medication.

The possibilities of Actiq to be abused are very high since it's a pain reducer. People are going to experience Actiq withdrawal or overdose after they abuse the drug. The recommended dosage should be carefully followed to avoid addiction or dependence from growing.

Things to Remember About Actiq Drugs

- You should never take Actiq if you're already using one more opioid or narcotic medication. Inform your doctor if you're using MOA inhibitors for example Marplan (isocarboxazid), Azilect (rasagiline), Furoxone (furazolidone), and etc. for the last fourteen days.

- Tell your physician about any drug and food allergies especially to narcotic medications to avoid any complications while using the Actiq.

- When you're already taking Actiq, always hide it inside a safe place that's hard for anyone to find. This drug is exclusively for the person the doctor has recommended it for.

Precautions Before Using the Drug

Tell your physician if you suffer from the following: heart disorders, hypotension, head trauma and injuries, respiratory ailments for example asthma, COPD, and emphysema, kidney and liver disorders, and any history of emotional and mental illnesses like suicidal tendencies and depression.

The Different Actiq Side Effects

Actiq negative effects are anxiety, frequent headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, xerostomia, and constipation. Serious negative effects can include sleepiness, decreased heartbeat, the like, and faintness.

Allergic reactions can be swelling of the face particularly the throat, tongue, and lips, the like, and hives. If you manifest the next symptoms, stop using Actiq immediately.

Actiq can be highly addictive and those that prolong the use of this drug are going to experience the signs of withdrawal from Actiq in just a couple hours after the last medication. The withdrawal symptoms will be different for each patient and could be increased irritation, shivering, sweating, restlessness, nausea, watery eyes, vomiting, sleeplessness, runny nose, chills, fevers, diarrhea, muscle weakness and pain, eating problems, sneezing, and abdominal pains.

Treatment for Actiq Withdrawal Symptoms

Discuss with your personal doctor which kind of treatment and just what that you can do to manage the signs and symptoms of withdrawal of Actiq. Medical experts can help you alleviate first the signs and symptoms through going an Actiq detoxification and with respect to the condition; doctors will pair this up with medication to help you to get eliminate withdrawals.

Drug dependence is a serious matter and should not remain ignored for a long time. Don't wait for things to worsen. Get the best treatment for your Actiq detoxification.

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