Dealing With Grief And Loss Counseling Culver City


By Ruthie Calderon

Experiencing pain or sorrow is part of the ups and downs of life. Grief is deep intense sorrow that usually experienced after a love one dies and anyone who suffers from it is worthy of grief and loss counseling Culver City, CA. This sorrow is usually prolonged and hard to bear that is why more help for the person is appreciated.

Pain and sorrow comes from losing someone or something. This loss may be in the form of a loved one's passing, the death of your favorite dog. It may also be a loss of something important such as, to be fired in a job you love, to lose all your possessions in a fire or flood or to lose all your wealth in a bankrupt business.

You should not ignore your feelings whenever in grieve. Crying is a natural sign of pain or sorrow and does not mean you are weak. Dealing with your feelings is a good way to heal from a loss.

There are five stages of grief that many people experience. Denial is when you deny and avoid that something bad has happened. You are in disbelief that something or someone was taken away. Next, you feel a sense of anger and wonder why the bad thing is happening. You look for somebody to blame. In the next stage, you try to bargain by saying "make this not happen and in return I will do something". Feelings of sadness or emptiness cause depression in the next stage. You may not feel like doing anything. Finally, you make peace with whatever you lost in the stage of acceptance.

Many people will experience the exact stages in this way while other people will experience some of the stages or experience the stages in a different order. Still, some people do not experience any of these stages and have a unique way of dealing with their pain. Dealing with pain is a bit different for each person depending on their situation and unique way of dealing with things.

Having support from relations is one of the best ways to deal with grief. Talk to family members and friends to talk through your feelings. Find someone who can give you a shoulder to cry on. Do not go through pain alone.

To receive support during these troubled times is crucial. Do not be afraid to tell your trusted friends and families abut your plight and find that their words of encouragement can lift you out of the rut. Find a support group, which may be outside of your family, but can help you because they have been in similar situations.

Therapy is also a good way to control pain or sorrow. Through a professional, you can talk about your sorrow and he will find the best techniques for you to cope. Some may not speak but their presence is enough to make you feel safe. Do not deal with grief alone.

While you are grieving, make sure to cater for yourself. You may wish to express your feelings in a creative way such as painting or writing a letter to your loved one. Do not use unhealthy substances such as alcohol and drugs to numb your pain. Make sure to workout, eat healthy and take care of your body. Try to do things you like to do and deal with your pain or sorrow in a healthy manner. Do your best to take care of yourself and deal with your feelings. In time, your grief will heal.

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