By Clinton Arnhold

When there is an accidental death in the family, survivors might be able to collect damages if the passing was the result of someones negligence. A claim may be filed on behalf of certain close family members. They must have suffered financial or emotional loss due to the death. Turn to a competent Sedalia wrongful death attorney if you feel you may have a valid claim.

It is sometimes difficult to find the right lawyer. The choice of a legal representative is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisement. If possible, find a friend or relative who can recommend someone. If you cannot do that, check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been filed against the individual you select.

When a wife or husband is left to exist without the wage earners paycheck the entire family suffers financial distress. Usually only members of the immediate family are allowed to sue. There are some exceptions. There is emotional loss as well as monetary loss.

The family home may be lost because there is no income to cover the monthly mortgage. Children might be deprived of the necessities. Your attorney is someone who can give advice and other help under these dire circumstances.

The person or company responsible for the deliberate or negligent action that caused the loss of a loved one should pay damages. It may be the other driver in a car crash. It may be a manufacturer who sold a dangerous product. It might be a bartender who served too much alcohol to someone already showing signs of being drunk.

A lawsuit must be started within a specific number of years after the death occurs. Seeing an attorney soon enough for the paperwork to be filed is imperative. Exceptions to the deadline are very rare. As your legal representative your lawyer is responsible for filing and meeting the required deadlines on your behalf.

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