By Lonnie Hahne

When medication is taken to relieve severe back or neck pain, it does not address the cause. It only masks the hurting. Plus, there is always the danger of an addiction. For these reasons, chiropractic care is growing exponentially in popularity. There is natural help available to deal with pain in the offices of a prominent Denver Chiropractor.

No care may be recommended or provided until your condition is fully evaluated. The spine is examined and palpated during the first meeting with this professional. A record is kept of your strength and range-of-motion ability. Your posture is assessed as possibly being a part of the problem. Your suffering and symptoms will be detailed in full.

The chiropractor also will take an x-ray in most cases. It is crucial to rule out any condition or disease that is not appropriately addressed with chiropractic methods. An individual with that type of problem is referred to another health care professional.

Research has indicated that spinal adjustments as applied by a qualified practitioner are successful in dealing with low back pain. This method is also used to alleviate pain associated with a herniated disc in the lumbar area or the neck.

When severe pain is caused by a subluxation, manual adjustments are most often used to alleviate it. Chiropractors use the term subluxation to refer to a vertebra being out of place. Through the application of spinal adjustments, one or more can be realigned.

Your care will be planned with your specific needs in mind. In conjunction with adjustments, exercise, massage and nutritional advice may be provided. The exercises are intended to be used in the home between appointments. The massage is given during the office visit to loosen strained muscles and keep the body flexible.

No immediate results should be expected with major back or neck misalignments. The bones that are out of place must be returned to the natural position gradually. However, you can plan ahead to return to your job and any recreational pastimes you enjoyed before the onset of back or neck pain.

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