Homeopathic Medicine Houston Texas Way

By Michelle Price

Homeopathy was the medical protocol used in America, as in Europe, until the discovery of penicillin. As time has gone on, western medicine is increasingly drug-oriented. However, millions prefer a more natural, non-toxic approach. Homeopathic medicine Houston style is the same as that used in other parts of the country and the world. This strictly controlled form of therapy for almost every disorder known to mankind was developed by a German physician in the late 1700s.

This form of treatment is reviled by many western medical practitioners and researchers as 'pseudoscience' and said to be totally useless. The people who use arnica montana 30X after strenuous exercise or to reduce bruising beg to differ, though. Arnica is so well known and believed to be so effective that you can find it in grocery stores as well as health stores and holistic clinics.

Mothers give their toddlers Ferr Phos 6X (these designations refer to the 'potency' of the remedy) for a fever. Although the fever is not repressed entirely, it will be kept within safe bounds while it does it's curative work. A fever is a natural reaction to infection, after all, and has a beneficial function. There is no known side effect to this remedy, unlike the liver damage possibilities of other over-the-counter fever medicines.

Holistic practitioners seek to help people while doing no harm. Mainstream doctors are trained in illnesses, diagnosis, and the appropriate drug response. Little attention is paid to the negative effects of pharmaceuticals. Doctors often merely treat symptoms, and if their treatment causes other complications, they will resort to more drugs.

Millions prefer to use homeopathy. If, as the 'experts' that denigrate this FDA-approved and regulated branch of medicine state with increasing shrillness, any benefit is due solely to natural recovery and the 'placebo effect', so what? If this 'effect' is so powerful, why not harness it? Why seek a one-size-fits-all, perhaps toxic, perhaps dangerous drug if the patient does well with a homeopathic remedy?

Relief from aches and pains, nerve pain after surgery or a visit to the dentist, allergy symptoms, the common cold and the flu, the agony of sciatica - all of this has been experienced by those who use homeopathy. The remedies help with skin rashes, acne, warts, bladder infections, nervous tension and anxiety, and depression. All of this relief comes without addiction, toxic reactions, or negative effects on the internal organs.

The man who developed this system was an eighteenth-century German physician. He saw both the benefits and the horrific results of his profession. Many feel that he must have been guided by God to create a system that so many find helpful if not life-saving. He tried his theories on himself, basing his research on the idea that a substance that would produce certain symptoms when taken in large doses could cure those symptoms when used in minute amounts.

In preparing homeopathic remedies, the active ingredient is diluted in a base - often milk sugar - and shaken, or potentiated. The resulting solution is then diluted again and the process repeated until the desired potency is achieved. The more the remedy is diluted and potentiated, the stronger it becomes. Only the lower potencies are sold over the counter. The study of this ancient protocol is fascinating and alive and well in Houston, Texas.

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