Spiritual Gay Travel

By Howie Holben

Our lives can get very hectic. Job, family, commuting, health issues, etc can all weigh us down to the point of feeling lost. Our mental and physical health requires that we take a break from it all once in awhile. Luckily, we have countless vacation options these days.

You can vacation alone, with friends or family, or you can travel with a group. You can also choose to travel with a group of people that have similar backgrounds and interests. Exploring gay spirituality is one choice for gay people.

Being gay, we all have at least one thing in common. Vacationing with others that have had similar experiences in life can add to our time away. This commonality helps to form bonds within the group.

New acquaintances become fast friends and people with whom we find we can share things. This helps to make gay vacations a unique and wonderful experience. We know we are understood by those around us, at least on some level.

Being comfortable with the people in the group, lets us be more open and relaxed. When we're more comfortable with those around us, the vacation experience can reach us more fully. This provides for a deeper recovery from life's pressures and strains.

Taking it to an even deeper level, we can take gay vacations with people of similar intentions. Travelling with men and women that want to grow spiritually is one way to do this. Then not only do we share our gay spirit, we share goals for the vacation.

Exploring our spirituality while on gay tours visiting special places throughout the world is a wonderful combination. With the other group members by our side, we are encouraged to step outside our box and live free. Living freer is the main goal of all vacations, is it not?

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